
These are the ones we have. If you have a suggestion, I'm open to it.
if you want people to play your game you should make it worth their while.
When we rejected Hillary Clinton, they picked someone more like Trump. Not voting for their candidate will not cause them to pick a candidate we like, it will cause them to pick a candidate that's more like their rivals. That's the game.
if only there were some kind of process to pick candidates before the general election...
It really would have been cool to have primaries
It would be great if neoliberals aligned with corporate interests didn't control both parties.
There isn't. Money and corporate interests control too much of the process. It starts the first time someone runs. For hope of success, they have to have backing from one of the major parties. The parties won't back them unless they do "fundraising." (cont)
"Fundraising" is code for attending parties with all the big donors. This does 2 things: 1 - The donors get to influence the candidate 2 - The candidate learns not to bite the hand that feeds them. As a bonus, this takes time away from actual campaigning. (cont)
Not only are the candidates unable to get their platform out to the voters (which stops them from making promises at odds to the donors' desires) it assures their platform is determined by the donors. The system is rotten. Nobody part of such a system will work in the best interests of the people.