
OK. I need some fun. How does one pick a fursona? Being anthropological here. I am curious about process/ desire/ community/ belonging. Grateful to the fab furry community on here for their answers!
I'm ripping this off from the other site...😅 I (Matt) am not a therapist or anything, I do have a Psychology background. And also being in my 50's, I've been a people watcher/talker my entire life. So let's talk fursonas again. First off, I personally think it's absolutely a healthy 1/
expression of yourself. Even if it's just for you in your own head. And you're also not limited to one! You can make just one to fully represent yourself, or each one can be 'compartmentalized'. For me, Scrapper the ferret is my happy, joyful, mischievous side. I still have 2/
Lex the Lucario that was mostly my stronger, no nonsense side when I need it. And some of you may notice how much Ajani means to me now that I'm older, and attempt to be a mentor, teacher and supporter of those that need it. But for you, it may and probably will be different. 3/
Some you may pick for the look. Others, personality. And it can flip flop. There really aren't rules! It *does* come down to what makes *you* happy. If anyone reading this comes up with any and wants to share, I'd love to see what you come up with. And even better, there are 4/
So many talented artists (if you don't happen to be one) that can help you bring that idea to life. I happen to be lucky to have an artist as one of my best friends, who knows me so well and you can see 'me' in my Scrapper art. Questions? Ask away! 5/5