
OK. I need some fun. How does one pick a fursona? Being anthropological here. I am curious about process/ desire/ community/ belonging. Grateful to the fab furry community on here for their answers!
*speaking as a High Priestess of Hathor in a cow goddess headpiece*
See if you can find someone in an ibis mask to take notes
And a woman with the head of a lioness to keep things in line.
Excellent question! There’s no one right way to do it, but a great place to start is thinking “If I had animal traits, what would I want?” Tail, sharp teeth, scales, ability to fly, traits from multiple animals (hybrids are big). Furries are basically people with animal traits, after all.
If it helps, I picked mine because of love of cats (duh) but also I love that jaguars have a fossil record, are desert cats in part of their range, and, as a broad broad, they are thick, bone-crushing kitties. They just fit 🐆
I mean What animals do you like? That's basically it. Though it varies. For example, my favorite animals are cats, but my fursoñas are not. My favorite wild cat is the manul, and yet I didn't choose that. Raccoon felt a bit resonant, and I like the critters. So I ended up choosing raccoon.
Ended up with variations, the robot having a beak was an accident because I was failing to draw a decent enough snout on a drawing that was meant to be a robot version of the raccoon. And then the windup hyena, both because I really wanted that, and a friend writing a story for me. It's fun.
When I was first tangential to the furry community, I was putting on an identity that I aspired to - something I thought it would be cool to be, probably (subconsciously) something I was trying to grow into the shape of. Later, it was more recognizing parts of myself, and putting them into an /
animal distinct from me. When de-personalized, I didn't have baggage - a bear is fat, loud, and sleeps for months, and can still be cute, so maybe I can too. It's a way of recognizing, highlighting, and loving parts of myself that maybe I wouldn't have a way to otherwise.
So - at 18-19, it was a Lion, or a Bull. Now, I'm happily more comfortable with an Opossum, or Raccoon, or Sloth Bear.
I love this. My fursona was born out of anxiety, and I just wanted to not be perceived as human for a bit. If I was bad at singing, if I sucked at games, if I didn't "sound hot", it was a baby kitty and that's absolutely fine. Baby kitties are bad at most things and still deserve kindness and love.
That all sounds pretty much correct for my onw experiences at the fringes of Furry fandom. Back then I was going for otters or badgers and now that I'm long away from it I'd probably go for something more like a housecat or wombat. Much quieter and more introverted in my 50s than I was at 20ish.
Oh, it can vary quite a bit! Commonly you might look at what animal/traits you identify with. Some folks will make several characters of different species and sometimes personalities and see what happens to stick. Anri is the third iteration of myself as a 'main' and the one I have id'd with best.
Sometimes it's as simple as "what's your favourite animal?" Sometimes it's an aesthetic that can be associated with fantastical beasts and creatures. Sometimes cryptids. Sometimes modern fantastical designs like yinglets, Pokémon, or machine creatures. 1/2
"What draws you to furry?" is also a good way to start thinking about what you want to use to represent yourself. And best of all, this can change. For many people, it has. And sometimes you see something so awakening, you embrace it wholesale. Hope you'll find your mask, your representation.
I teach animal representations in antiquity and I wanted to represent the furry community with accuracy... we've always loved our animal selves 🥰
You'll unleash it yet. It's yours after all. Look at how disparite people are in theirs. Toony stylised critters. Realistic animal folk. Train dragons. The only measure for accuracy is your happiness in how you wish tl represent yourself with.
I'm ripping this off from the other site...😅 I (Matt) am not a therapist or anything, I do have a Psychology background. And also being in my 50's, I've been a people watcher/talker my entire life. So let's talk fursonas again. First off, I personally think it's absolutely a healthy 1/
expression of yourself. Even if it's just for you in your own head. And you're also not limited to one! You can make just one to fully represent yourself, or each one can be 'compartmentalized'. For me, Scrapper the ferret is my happy, joyful, mischievous side. I still have 2/
Lex the Lucario that was mostly my stronger, no nonsense side when I need it. And some of you may notice how much Ajani means to me now that I'm older, and attempt to be a mentor, teacher and supporter of those that need it. But for you, it may and probably will be different. 3/
Some you may pick for the look. Others, personality. And it can flip flop. There really aren't rules! It *does* come down to what makes *you* happy. If anyone reading this comes up with any and wants to share, I'd love to see what you come up with. And even better, there are 4/
So many talented artists (if you don't happen to be one) that can help you bring that idea to life. I happen to be lucky to have an artist as one of my best friends, who knows me so well and you can see 'me' in my Scrapper art. Questions? Ask away! 5/5
Avatar I think yours is neat, want to answer this?
I like to take a kind of looney tunes approach--which animal can I see making a fun character for me? What makes me laugh and smile to think about? I think every animal has inherent comedic elements AND beauty.
What animal has traits you connect with? For some people, there are multiple and they build hybrids. Some people connect to original species such as sergals and protogen.
Iteratively, over a long period of time. I’d just keep trying on new ones that sounded good like they were new clothes, and as I began to understand the things that did not resonate with me in each shape, I would learn something about myself that I didn’t know. The process slowly refined itself
For me it really tied into animal(s) I related to, either from a behavioral/personality standpoint or their mythological connotations. I started in the community as a role player, tho, so answers will vary. My current bsky avi is actually the fursona of a LARP char that never went away. XD
what's an animal whose mannerisms and cultural meaning resonates with you? i chose fox because their candid who have cat-like behavior. foxes also represent femininity, Tricksters, cunning, elegance, and beautify, and since i want to be seen that way it made sense.
It depends on the person, but it more or less boils down to what animal you like/think represents you.
I went with animal I really like with fur pattern that I really like. (And then made them a shapeshifter because I also want them to be so many species but don't like having more than one sona)
What is your favorite animal? -> sona starter kit
Generally you go with your favorite animal. Although some people have a certain animal assigned by some other method and it vibes with them. Personally, having my zodiac sign be Taurus pointed me in the bovine direction.
On top of what other people have said, an important consideration is how much you want to idealize yourself. Preteens' and teenagers' fursonas stereotypically have wild color patterns, wings, and magic powers; as people become more comfortable with themselves, they tend to gravitate towards 1/?
more subdued designs and colors, with characters who are less exceptional within their own contexts. (e.g. instead of being the Most Powerful Sorceror Ever, a wizard fursona might specialize in conjuring a really good cup of coffee.)