
A homeless shelter wrote an amicus brief in the Grant’s Pass case. They argued SCOTUS should let the city arrest the homeless because, and I am not shitting you, the ban on doing so meant less people were willing to abide by their “two church services a day and no sex” requirement to sleep inside.
Gorsuch literally wrote, in almost those exact same words, "In its majestic equality, the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets and steal loaves of bread."
"Given the choice, people would rather sleep outside than stay in our shelter, therefore we shouldn't give them a choice" is both a brutal self-own and the core of conservative ideology
“We don’t think someone else should do something we don’t approve of, so we’d like you to force them to not do it anymore.”
"Our charity is undertaken solely for the glory of God, and also it should be illegal to refuse to accept it"
We seem to be inching closer & closer to the point where the 1% just says "Fuck 'em - feed 'em all to the fishes." When that's done, we'll be fish food - and they'll have the 5% of the world that's still liveable all to themselves. And they'll have a shitload of fat fish to eat.
The shelter outright refuses to take many people - dads with children, the disabled, the mentally ill, LGBTQ, addicts, etc. I guess they just assumed those folks should go straight to jail.