
Disappointed and also not even a little bit surprised by this morning's "man uses power to sexually abuse women young enough to be his granddaughters" news.
I really want a source on it that isn’t a site run by TERFs. It’s not that they’re automatically wrong about EVERYTHING, but…well…I admit I have a hard time extending their reporting the benefit of the doubt that I usually would.
The source isn't relevant to my observation. Men in positions of power who engage in sexual relationships with women who are old enough to be their granddaughters are engaging in abuse. Claiming it's "consensual" doesn't actually help.
It's quite relevant if it's the only source for it happening at all. As in we don't yet have independent confirmation that the person *exists*. I am not saying it didn't happen or wouldn't be bad if it did, only that I do not trust that source. The thread as a whole is nuanced.
I didn't say I was sure it was true. I said I was disappointed but not surprised. I am disappointed bc it's always disappointing to hear allegations like this. And not surprised bc it never surprises me to hear that a man with power may have taken advantage of it. It's sadly too predictable.