Jack Sheriff

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Jack Sheriff


The more I learn about the history of language, the more solidly I move into the descriptivist camp OTOH, arguing with prescriptivists doesn't sound like a fun way to spend my afternoon
Well, yeah. That's a frightening aspect of this whole thing. But will events really play out that way? My hope is that we'll only see that in isolation. But maybe I'm just being naive.
Wouldn't it still be illegal for the troops to carry out that order? The ruling doesn't make the order legal; it makes the President immune from prosecution for giving the order. Granted, depending on troops to refuse to carry out an illegal order isn't much comfort, but it's not nothing.
That’s one I only recently realized I had wrong
That's very cool. And also kinda weird, since it's survived this entire whole time. It feels very different from the JWST images where we're seeing galaxies as they were billions of years ago--compared to those images this is practically current events.
My first reaction when I learned about these little guys was--not positive. But after thinking about how I am their entire world, how they are born, live and die without ever leaving my face, well, it made me feel a little special!
The traditional sharing of the cones
Yep, that's the line that really made me grin
I’ve known for a long time that your satirical work was wonderful, but today I learned how powerful an angry Alexandra Petri could be
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