Jack Walsh

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Jack Walsh


If this is also a thing on Bluesky, please don't insult anyone's intelligence on my behalf—it's uncomfortably mean-spirited, and I don't need your help to figure out if someone is an idiot.
"His lordship offers dispensation for poaching on his lands if you give alms to his campaign."
The lack of video hosting really hurt this site today.
Well, if nothing else, today has made me deeply wistful about fingering someone at DNC headquarters. Youth has much to recommend it.
It hit me today that my baby songs are all shameless pro-Daddy propaganda to a degree that is borderline North Korean "I love daddy because he brings us all food and the stars in the sky, he is my favorite person, dum dum dum dum dum"
Now that the norms against aggressive seizure of territory have been shattered, I'm thinking of stealing the rest of my garage. My landlords didn't do shit when I moved the "storage unit" wall back four feet, so for all intents and purposes, they let me have the Sudetenland.
This one goes out to all the Venezuela fans and Maduro stans out there.
Reposted byAvatar Jack Walsh
I’ve said it before but: you can have Moms in your groups name, & be totally normal. You can have Liberty in your group’s name and be normal or more likely, marginally normal You cannot have both nouns in the name & not expect to be a group of freaks fueled by neo-Francoism and joyless key parties
"The concept is that you are a pie filled with cuteness instead of a foodstuff, the implication being that I am going to eat you." Never too early to get your child ready for grad school.
"The concept is that you are a pie filled with cuteness instead of a foodstuff, the implication being that I am going to eat you." Never too early to get your child ready for grad school.
Thumbtack has taught me the valuable lesson that, if you make your livelihood dependent on a third party, they are eventually going to fuck you as hard as they can.
The new season of Fargo makes the movie feel like an elegy for the polite Midwest. It's the same vibe difference as the College Republicans episode of Party Down versus the Alt-Right Convention in the reboot: it's a world that's just gotten so much angrier so quickly.
In a world that has gotten very practiced at obscuring inequality with knockoffs and budget luxury, there is no more unambiguous class marker than pre-assembled drawers. If you didn't have to slide in the bottom and screw those goddamn tracks on the side, you are truly elite.
The US House of Representatives has rated George Santos's penis a 1 out of 10, which marks only the third time this has happened since the Civil War.
Newsom's ability to make human facial expressions was a real asset in that debate.
The Rainbow Bridge is presently closed while the blast is investigated, but Americans can still reach Canada by dying gloriously on the battlefield.
I'm lowkey dying to know how closely we're related. It's probably fairly distant but she kinda looks like my dad's side of the family.
Everyone who's afraid of Milei's presidency should remind themselves that Joan of Arc worked out pretty well for France.
Everyone is freaking out about a lunatic being elected in Argentina, but I'm just stoked that the Fed landed such a huge account.
They probably could've shaved an insulin-poisoning scene or two... That said, I'm really enjoying Marty's "let me spell this out for you idiots at great length" period—I felt that ACTUALLY I AM VERY ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT was a worthy successor to I DEFINITELY HATE THE MAFIA
Reposted byAvatar Jack Walsh
lmao, yeah man, that ought to do it
Gotta say, I was not expecting the baby flashcards to trigger such a profound sense of sadness and loss...
🎶 It's the most dangerous time of the year, Risking permanent disability From the human fragility That homeowners feaaaar It's the most dangerous time Of the yeaaaaar 🎶
So Apple has been the owner of BlueChew and Evony: The King's Return this whole time?!
While it still annoys me that an American corporation is referred to as a nation-state (as a screenwriting necessity) For All Mankind is taking a really fascinating perspective on how the commercialization of space will chafe against the traditional astronaut culture of patriotic ultra-competence.
We can't lose sight of the fact that Diddy was a really terrible rapper.
Sure does seem like Thumbtack is banking on the Biden Labor Dept ceasing to exist in 14 months... It was always fraught to give a third party so much control over my livelihood, but they were never on that "we're taking your money and you can't do shit about it" tip before now.
Sometimes you just want the other team's sign-off, it's a natural human impulse.
For All Mankind S4's premiere was great, and I'm actually more positive about the greater divergence from our timeline (even if Gore makes very little sense). The world continues to get better than ours while horrible space accidents keep happening—that's FAM's jam.
The Frasier reboot has an extended bit wherein the titular character, who spent the latter half of the Bird-Johnson rivalry hanging out in a bar full of working-class Bostonians, does not know the proper pronunciation of "Boston Celtics" This bothers me on a number of levels.
Of all of the social toxins spread by the dismal incentives of social media—the rebirth of American Antisemitism, the enthusiastic self-objectification of women, total epistemic collapse—none comes close to the promotion of Pomeranian ownership.