
Drumming conformity into the heads of my children, I’m trying them to get into the road-safety mantra of “be predictable; don’t be unpredictable.”
the danger, but also the hubris of making everyone *behind* them wait so they can bask in their own fake generosity!
What really caramelizes my onions is when a car pulls up to their stop sign before I reach mine, and then gestures for me to go. Then I spend confused seconds wondering what they're doing. Just go, it's your turn to go!
Yep, this is how I feel crossing streets on my bicycle. Any time a driver tries to be "nice" and wants me to go through a stop sign intersection even though they clearly stopped first, it makes me so worried. Just follow the rules, then everyone knows what's happening and who can go safely.
I got a couple minor rib fractures (and was lucky it wasn't worse) in a situation like this on my bike.
years of being a pedestrian in Canada has made me inherently wary of any car that slows down while the rest of the road is not
Can't help but wonder if a decade of high schools abandoning drivers ed classes in favor of for profit companies has left us with this situation where an increasing number of drivers don't understand how right of way is meant to keep order. See it all the time at four way stops
It’s the 4-way stop. That’s part of why roads are so complicated. (Dutchy)
I almost got hit this way (wave of death). Crossing multiple lanes to make the turn left lane and traffic backing up. I permanently switched my approach to that intersection now.
If only my daughter had seen this before she totaled the Honda Accord!
A version of this happened to me (guy waiting to turn left). Luckily no one was hurt, but 2 cars wrecked and could have easily been much worse.
Among my biggest peeves. Few things get me screaming mad more than this