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Tracking right-wing disinformation, hate and extremism. I occasionally ramble about shit.
Reposted byAvatar Jacob
Reposted byAvatar Jacob
It’s been quite a day for Mike Collins. After calling for the deportation of a US citizen colleague in the House, he then violated Twitter rules by posting this tweet below.
Right on cue, popular right-wing accounts on Twitter are calling the beheading in Pennsylvania a false-flag/psyop.
There are many words Axios could have used to describe Trump’s campaign. “Professional” is objectively not one of them.
Reposted byAvatar Jacob
I've been suspended from Twitter/X for absolutely no reason. I haven't received any communications from Twitter/X about why I have been suspended. I can't think of anything I've posted lately that would be worthy of suspension. 📰🗞️
When I look at Republicans’ shifting attitudes re: January 6 I’m reminded of this quote from Timothy Snyder: “You submit to tyranny when you renounce the difference between what you want to hear and what is actually the case.”
Seems like a bad sign that we’re only into day 3 of an election year and multiple state Capitols have received bomb threats. Probably fine.
Reposted byAvatar Jacob
Eight state capitals have been targeted with bomb threats over the morning hours today, including Mississippi, Michigan,Minnesota, Kentucky, Georgia, Connecticut, Montana, and Colorado. this is the same pattern as far right attacks on education, systems, hospitals, and synagogues over the last year
It should be explicitly clear to future generations of Americans that the mainstream press has been complicit in normalizing and accelerating MAGA fascism in this country. We could not have gotten to this point without their cowardice.
End of feed.