
this plane is already an hour behind schedule and my layover is only 3 hours. I hate flying, man.
💕 All layovers suck, but three hours is super shit because it's not long enough to DO ANYTHING but sit and wait in a shitty airport.
yuuup but looks like I might have to run between planes in Paris unless my second leg gets delayed too
omfg condolences. that airport is too fucking large and the fucking put obstacles everywhere. worst airport, right up there with o'hare
fortunately we don't have to switch terminals so chances of getting lost are low. I haven't been to this airport in lIke a decade or more so this will be interesting!
omg are you still flying/traveling oh you poor thing. 💕
yes :( just landed in Paris and the layover is now 5 hours. also the dude in front of me was a HUGE jerk and almost got into a fight with my dad so this is just all going very well. I haven't had a wink of sleep yet
💕💕💕 and that's not long enough to grab something to nap/sleep if you'd have to go through customs/security UGH. I hope you can find a spot to rest. And once it's over have fun!
thank you! I cannot wait for this all to be over