
I just read an engaging philosophy essay on the Untruth of Emotional Reasoning and it highlighted ideas I feel are very important to mention. In essence, we as a society are pushing forth the belief that anyone who might make a comment that is offensive to us does not deserve the right to speak.
This practice is beginning to, imo, stifle our own growth as we refuse to even consider whether or not the beliefs we hold are true, or if our actions are the best reflection of those beliefs. We instead practice emotional reasonings and distortions that further intrench this ideology.
It is becoming so prevalent on social media, here and Twitter, that it’s almost a defense mechanism! Think about it. How many times have you seen a disagreement happen and the person attempt to defend by saying “Well you believe ___ so you aren’t allowed to speak.” How many times have we done so?!
If we desire freedom of speech and the further respect of others, it is oxymoronic to then claim others do not deserve to speak because their beliefs conflict with our own. This does not mean we accept what they are saying. It does however mean we listen, then choose whether or not to change
I see this same sentiment in regards to religious beliefs. One can indeed disagree with your beliefs of who you are and what you choose and still love you fully. My plea is this: Either read Haidt - The Coddling of American Mind Chapter 2, or start listening and questioning more. Let us love more!