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Proud Disciple of Jesus Christ, He/Him
Avid reader and admirer of the creations of others, hobby writer and photographer
New indie #Animation just dropped that I for one can’t wait to sell you on! Combine D&D w/ a workplace comedy and you get “Dungeon Flippers”! Stunning animation, and fun characters, it’s the next hit story for you to love! youtu.be/3NjbEw8khww?...
Dungeon Flippers PILOT: The Ace of Wandsyoutu.be Dungeon Flippers! A fantasy real-estate show! In this pilot episode, Maulie and Cleaveland must find a new home for the wicked wizard, the Ace of Wands. Will...
Any Gail conversation ever
if someone says "TMI" that means "That's Mildly Interesting" they're looking for you to add more detail
It’s finally happening 😁😁
Can someone better at talking give me some tips on asking questions? How does one ask a question without incurring personal attacks? Or answer a question without backlash. How does everyone else handle that?
Ah Utah. How mysterious you are
When I was first told about getting a GDE, I was told it wouldn’t hurt much afterward. Oh, it hurts alright. I’m writing this after 12 hours of fasting because even WATER sets my chest aflame as if it were a pit of charcoals consuming a gasoline soaked stick!
Reposted byAvatar Jade
My name is Gail Simone, and I am a writer of comics, games and animation for such characters as Wonder Woman, Deadpool, the Simpsons, and the Uncanny X-Men. Please look over the artists using the #PortfolioDay hashtag. It’s awesome!
I’ve said this elsewhere but I ought to do it here too. (1/?) I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, incorrectly though commonly referred to as “Mormons”. I believe in Jesus Christ, in His restored Church, and in the blessings that are back on the earth again.
Stop, stare, and share. 📹 We’re so excited to announce Bluesky Shorts! bsky.social/about/blog/0...
Welcome to Easter Sunday, where the miracle of all miracles occurred and the joy of all Christianity came to be. A single day where possibilities became infinite and man had hope for the future.
Reposted byAvatar Jade
I got back to the hotel yesterday to discover my AirPods were missing. And that made zero sense because I had left them there — I’m usually pretty good at tidying up a room before I go. So I begin tracking them…
False news, misinformation, and other illegal uses of the voice will rise from technology like this. OpenAI needs to stop creating solutions to invisible problems and start using this potential to improve the efforts that really matter!
A new OpenAI tool can recreate human voices — from just a 15-second recording. The technology, called Voice Engine, is currently available only to a small group of early testers. nyti.ms/3TGZIyS
OpenAI Unveils A.I. Technology That Recreates Human Voicesnyti.ms The start-up is sharing the technology, Voice Engine, with a small group of early testers as it tries to understand the potential dangers.
One of the things I get to do is sing as a part of the #BYU Men’s Chorus. It’s a wonderful opportunity and one that I want everyone to be apart of. We just released our latest album “He Sent His Son”, available wherever you get your music. It would make me so happy if you would give it a listen 😊
BYU Men's Chorus, Brent Wells - He Sent His Sonbyurecords.lnk.to Listen to He Sent His Son by BYU Men's Chorus, Brent Wells.
There should be no Heckler’s Veto
I just read an engaging philosophy essay on the Untruth of Emotional Reasoning and it highlighted ideas I feel are very important to mention. In essence, we as a society are pushing forth the belief that anyone who might make a comment that is offensive to us does not deserve the right to speak.
I just read an engaging philosophy essay on the Untruth of Emotional Reasoning and it highlighted ideas I feel are very important to mention. In essence, we as a society are pushing forth the belief that anyone who might make a comment that is offensive to us does not deserve the right to speak.
In the midst of lowering my engagement with all forms of social media in order to better ascertain my goals and my future schooling, I’m considering writing a philosophy paper on the morality of #AI #art using the corporate model of agency. Please reply if you have a paper or else I could refer to.
Now THIS is what I wanted!
📢 1.70 is rolling out now (2/6) Mute words! In the Moderation screen, you can now add mute words which target either hashtags or the full content of a post (text, alt text, and hashtags).
I’m a little nervous but I’m going to try composing my own music soon. Nothing fancy but it’s a passion I’ve been itching to work on. Singing well isn’t enough for me. I want more! I have a few ideas of where to start: - an original w/ an ok melody - Remix / covers of songs I love - etc
I’ve been dealing with some depression and lack of confidence back in the real world, so I’ve been trying to avoid social media and focus on fixing that… sorry for the lack of posts but that’s the reason.
Sunday Notes: - The right place places your value in the right way. Avoid those that will not love you to the extent that you deserve to be loved. - Take ownership of your divine identity. You are a child of a loving Heavenly Father who knows who you are and knows your struggles. Reach out to Him.
Reposted byAvatar Jade
Chocolate Rose: Almost 3 pounds of 80% dark chocolate fudge. Measures 8" in diameter and 2" deep. It's a family recipe and my Grandmother swore me to secrecy as to how it is made when she taught me back when I was 12.
I pride myself on a good dessert, and the one off the top of my head (and have a picture for) is this beautiful Bundt cake I made awhile back. I use a different frosting nowadays, but the result is always incredible 😋
Here is my QUESTION OF THE DAY! Do you have one special dish that you cook better than almost anyone? Tell us what it is, and photos are extra credit! Why is it so special is extra EXTRA credit! GO!
#RubyGillman was an ok movie. Good pacing, well, until the story got going. A few too many background pop songs. And because of the first point some rushed character arcs. The humor was on point, though. Pretty good 7/10. Better than some other new show on Netflix rn
Being that today is #ValentinesDay, I feel it apt to ask this question: If someone was to ask you out, how would you like them to do it?
@bsky.app One thing I really wish you would implement is content filtration by words. Posts riddled with swears and sex jokes are not what I want to be viewing and your current filtration methods are not enough right now
This is a needed read, even if you are against the subject matter, because it highlights the how we as humans continue to attack and abuse those we disagree with when we should instead be voicing our opinions and debating civilly. They’re are a few things that should be noted, statistically:
Having just finished watching #TheMarvels I can say that it was enjoyable. Brought forth new and cool ideas, laid out the future of Marvel pretty well. The only thing is that the movie’s plot and its characters felt disconnected from each other.
“Hey Siri, will it snow today?” “No, 0% chance!” 5 minutes into waiting for the bus, a snowstorm appears. I very much dislike Apple…