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Proud Disciple of Jesus Christ, He/Him
Avid reader and admirer of the creations of others, hobby writer and photographer
No matter the outcome, you are amazing and we are here for you
New indie #Animation just dropped that I for one can’t wait to sell you on! Combine D&D w/ a workplace comedy and you get “Dungeon Flippers”! Stunning animation, and fun characters, it’s the next hit story for you to love! youtu.be/3NjbEw8khww?...
Dungeon Flippers PILOT: The Ace of Wandsyoutu.be Dungeon Flippers! A fantasy real-estate show! In this pilot episode, Maulie and Cleaveland must find a new home for the wicked wizard, the Ace of Wands. Will...
Any Gail conversation ever
if someone says "TMI" that means "That's Mildly Interesting" they're looking for you to add more detail
I take it didn’t go well then.
It’s finally happening 😁😁
A graduate professor in marriage and family therapy. Look, it was a silly question that, while I still stand by, has been blown out of proportion by this conversation. A simple “perhaps __” would have been fine. I’m muting this thread
Validity, at least what I know from philosophy, is an argument that fails proper form. So technically yes, my argument is valid. Perhaps my usage of the word is incorrect. Regardless, the point is still sound. I don’t see why we need to argue any longer
No matter how true your point, there ought to be discussion! Though I am not an expert in the field, my father is and learning by osmosis has at least taught me that. I do not yet see how my point is made less valid. I saw no suggestion of them talking it out, I pointed such out, how am I wrong?
Can someone better at talking give me some tips on asking questions? How does one ask a question without incurring personal attacks? Or answer a question without backlash. How does everyone else handle that?
The expletive was not needed to convey your point 😑. Regardless, though I can’t access the full story, you are making a lot of assumptions about the situation. What she does not convey (in the screenshot) is whether or not she has talked with her partner, what I proposed. My point is still valid
My question is, why are they asking a newspaper instead of talking these same feelings out with their partner?
If you want to help on one, you could try looking into EPIC: The Musical. I recently ran across them and love what they’re doing. They are working towards making a 2 hr movie.
…That’s a Pokémon
That looks awesome! One critique though… Add a bear claw watermark signature
Ah Utah. How mysterious you are
You could make a trio with Trixie in the middle looking proud and the other two being as far away as possible 😆
When I was first told about getting a GDE, I was told it wouldn’t hurt much afterward. Oh, it hurts alright. I’m writing this after 12 hours of fasting because even WATER sets my chest aflame as if it were a pit of charcoals consuming a gasoline soaked stick!
(While I have been told I have a low tolerance of pain, at least my analogies are improving, somewhat… maybe more visceral imagery 🤔) Anyhow, pain. Turns out I have an allergic reaction in my esophagus to food 🤦‍♂️
I’ll raise you one more: Turn on your turn signal when backing up from a parking spot so drivers and pedestrians know which way your car is turning
What camera do you use?
I was so excited for that movie, only to be disappointed at every turn. Hope you enjoyed it at least
Reposted byAvatar Jade
My name is Gail Simone, and I am a writer of comics, games and animation for such characters as Wonder Woman, Deadpool, the Simpsons, and the Uncanny X-Men. Please look over the artists using the #PortfolioDay hashtag. It’s awesome!
I agree. He still loves you and others who don’t, blessing them as well. But more treasured to Him and to you is the relationship you two may share
I don’t believe in good karma or any superstition. But I believe in your Father who loves you and hopes you to pray to Him. Not some random worship language. Genuine conversation. Even just “Dear God if you exist, help, amen” I have prayed on your behalf, but it’s you who will have the most impact
Have you tried exploring other servers?
And? The cat in Marvel is basically a mutant 😉