
I'm visiting a new state tomorrow and am excited to check it off because I'm that kind of nerd, but once you get past the first half, most of the rest aren't intrinsically exciting (and definitely will make people look at you weird when you mention your plans)
(unsurprisingly I am also the kind of nerd who keeps track of counties visited, and this trip has already pushed me past the 1/8th mark.)
Normal people: "hmm... is there anything there? I guess Harper's Ferry is neat" Me: so I'm gonna be driving though areas where many cousins still live—no, I've hardly spoken with any of them—to see the church my great-grandparents married in, then visit the town she grew up in and maybe have lunch.
…and let's not forget the bridge, named in honor of my 6th-great-grandfather, that crosses the Potomac to reach a settlement ("town" is too generous) named after his family, and Yeah, I'm real exciting to bring on road trips.
The bridge was underwhelming and so were most of the places I passed through, but now my curiosity has been sated and I have a better sense of the distances between places, etc.
Idk, my parents once took a road trip through WV to check out all the covered bridges built my father’s distant cousin (5th 3x removed or something), so I’d ride shotgun