danger and dance

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danger and dance


I love puns and references. Rhythm games are my favorite. I've developed a bit of a genealogy habit as of late.

I'm a rainbow, too. 🏳️‍🌈
two out of the three Independence Day Mountains Dew are not great (one tastes like "blue" and the other is generic red berry and meh), but the white one is lemonade peach and is actually pretty good!
Anyway in different train news, please enjoy this vertiginous photo where you can see, underneath your feet, the Central Subway platform through glass like a hundred feet down
I can't believe I missed a train because the station agent gave me a hard time for getting a haircut since my photo ID was taken. Like, did you think I stole the wallet and somehow knew that there was a "ride Muni free" pass inside?
Today's irrationally petty grievance: AI bullshit has coöpted one of my favorite emoji [✨] :(
it's kind of dumb how excited I am about this, but I think I've finally found the birth mother of an adopted ~3rd cousin, which is a mystery I've been trying to puzzle out for like 5 years now. (Hopefully that cousin is excited, too!)
Aw that's fun, discovered a 5th cousin was the lead actor in a gay coming-of-age film that I think I saw in college
Why did I not use enough sunscreen, God has forsaken me
I'm so happy that now there is a gelato restaurant in between the big gay park and my house 🌈
Can't believe Little Bobby Tables is all grown up and has had their first kid, Ignore All Previous Instructions
news isn't talking about chevron much and the generous explanation is that they think it's dense and arcane and hard to understand but if so it's only because you're trying to sound smart about it. "the supreme court just gave itself the power to veto any regulation it wants, whenever it wants"
This is a very neat spin on the Muni "worm" logo.
Really wish land use patterns in the suburbs didn't make me pit "if I can't reasonably get there on a bus, it's not worth going to" against "haven't seen these friends in like a year"
Boyfriend Dungeon is a really cute game, but wow there are so many words for swords I didn't know that I didn't know
True love is a husband who tolerates you using him as a phone stand
It doesn't always have to be VS
I enjoyed my trip to the east over the past week and a half, but what a relief it was to go from sunny 90-degree weather to 57 and fog/rain. 😅 I have trouble with Real Summer, anymore
If you're gen x or millennial, odds are you have known some people online for *decades*. Across multiple now-dead forums, across vast gulfs of time in internet years. You've probably got a friend group that outlived multiple sites.
Motherfuckers don't need to run their goddamn cryptomining rigs all day and we sure as fuck don't need ChatGPT horseshit being ran all day but I don't see anybody crawling up their ass about power usage ...
Interesting article to run prior to a weekend where we expect a devastating heat wave and label it as “climate solutions”
Casualties of this week's heat wave :(
I guess I haven't posted much about visiting Fancy Libraries (a thing I do sometimes) on here, but today's is a big one. It has its own subway stop!
Just @jai-dit.bsky.social being witty, nothing to see here.
Okay, who told Virginia they could pronounce it "BYOO-na vista"?
Shenandoah National Park was great, I just wish someone else were driving so that I could have looked out the windows more. I lost count of how many deer I saw on the road.
I saw an awful lot of flags out today, and something tells me they were not all observing today's holiday (Flag Day)
WHY is there so much roadkill in Pennsylvania?!
I'm visiting a new state tomorrow and am excited to check it off because I'm that kind of nerd, but once you get past the first half, most of the rest aren't intrinsically exciting (and definitely will make people look at you weird when you mention your plans)