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not onely the prince & kyng
but also though he hath both angels & devilles that are gaylours vnder hym
yet the chiefe gaylour ouer this whole brode prison
the word is (as I take it) God
& that I suppose ye will grant me
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yoda pope for a long-ass time CONFIRMED
white guy shocks thai natives by speaking PERFECT wookiee
it's a very basic millennial opinion but i think peele and fielder are legit genius tragedians. mike white is funny but he is just not on the same level
watching THE CURSE with mr prop, who's a huge fan of cringe comedy. kind of reminds me of nope but from the perspective of people like jupe who are caught in the sublunary world of bad miracles
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you guys remember that weird wave of male-female indie duos where all the songs were supposed to be cute? i hated that
women in general are socialized, and i was possibly socialized more than average due to life circumstances, and i've further pushed myself in this direction voluntarily, not to see my feelings as valid at all unless they can be proven to be empirically stable over a long period of time
this is possibly solipsism but i don't understand how fucking stupid you have to be to be genuinely in love with one person and think it's for life but then when the feeling of obsessive attachment wears off slightly you develop it with a new person and treat this as an actual life revelation
i think men (and some women) who suddenly 'discover' that they're polyamorous when they develop a crush on a coworker are not so much discovering that they're polyamorous as that they knew all along that they wanted to bang other people and are discovering that they like being married
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Confluence of a particular type of genX English guy and a particular type of genX guy who is mainly good at going on the computer
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loab has denied having eaten pagliacci's father "like a praying mantis" and insists categorically that latent space abominations reproduce asexually in every case
one of my big measures for whether something is true or not is whether people mindlessly parrot it online in huge waves of fad opinion/doxa
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Every time I'm reminded that Moldbug is alive right now and not some scots-irish lunatic who died before the Civil War I immediately forget this is true, only to be horrified anew once a year
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i'm afraid i will be canceling my food bank sponsorship this year. there is a podcast that needs funding
THAT'S RIGHT! i'm a VERY resentful childless 30-something woman. and if you don't like that you should LEAVE
done. it's about vance and moldbug but also in defense of rey's chastity. [jon snow voice] muh queen
fb blocking people from catholic twitter who i know to be thiel or moldbug affiliated..block finger itching...should i just get it done w/ the president of the reylo fanclub instead of vagueposting about her every six months...if you screenshot this and send it to her you're a despicable simp
fb blocking people from catholic twitter who i know to be thiel or moldbug affiliated..block finger itching...should i just get it done w/ the president of the reylo fanclub instead of vagueposting about her every six months...if you screenshot this and send it to her you're a despicable simp
you can tell who's a new yorker on here because they all believe jd vance's crap about ohio being some sort of preliterate swamp
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i hope the second biden admin nukes crypto from orbit first because it’s bad but second because i want these pigs to squeal
It's about the crypto money, Pelosi and Schiff voted against Biden's crypto regs bill.
i am kind of a theocrat though. like i want all the politicians in the world to have to do a big ceremony every year where they apologize in turn to the UN, the Hague and finally and most profusely, the pope
i've made a lot of mistakes in my extremely online catholic life but it'd like it on the record that i've never been a trad and have only been to one latin mass ever, actually, because stevie lark dragged me as a meme
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"I deserve to be a rude because I have good opinions" isn't as cute a look (or as effective a form of advocacy) as some of y'all think
another reason he bothers me is that he's kind of the spinoza of redditors: look, he lived a perfect atheist-humanist life so we need to go around with a big mallet bonking religious people on the head
can't think of anyone else like terry pratchett, really. there's nobody else i hate primarily because of their fans. i mean star wars fans are worse than terry pratchett fans and i'm bluesky's number one star wars superfan
i would have to actually read terry pratchett to confirm this hypothesis and i'm unwilling to do that, but i think the reason everyone thinks he was the actual messiah is that redditors never considered the concept of empathy before some old white british nerd guy in a stetson suggested it to them
one of my worst personality traits is that i really really intensely dislike terry pratchett even though i've read a few of his books and they were fine. children's literature, but fine. but the fans think he was an actual deity and that grinds my gears down to the fillet
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