
Sorry wouldn’t normally put her on the timeline but this might be the most insane thing j k rowlings ever written
a trans girl friend send it to me and we were mutually of the exact same two thoughts 1 - this did not happen, this is "after I came back from vietnam" level shit 2 - if it DID happen, Rowling's social skills are so eroded she genuinely thinks she made a point being weird and uncomfortable
I had to go look it up to see if it was real because it reads so much like parody. And so many replies to her are TERFs recounting similar anecdotes of people being uncomfortable as they won't shut up about their obsession. Each and every one as oblivious to what the situation actually is as JKR.
Sounds like some dude out there tried to be like, "I don't know JK maybe I don't get it but people should be allowed to do what they want" and then she launched into the most unhinged rant ever while he silently thought "I should definitely not have talked to her about this."