Dr Jim PhD RDPsych

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Dr Jim PhD RDPsych


Clinical-community psychologist, cycologist. Retired from clinical practice. Consulting continues. Board member Saskatoon Cycles.
Personality disorder should also be on your list from that description. (pieces of pages from DSM-5-TR, 733-735)
Grift and corruption. "Saskatchewan's government is breaking federal law based on the advice of a law firm that donated to the Sask Party and hired former Premier Brad Wall as a special advisor. This firm will now be working on the injunction to prevent the CRA from taking the money it's owed."
No re metformin. Don't get health care advice from the internet please. www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/therapies/mi...
Same cover art photo. 1969, published by Simon & Shuster. The diff for France was conquest by Germany. The history doesn't quite rhyme. The fall of the Weimar Republic is a closer rhyme but for the economics and street fighting by private armies.
When you're a shrink, people ask questions. Not a subject matter expert re gender, but know abt human diversity & statistics. So here's a graph. Distribution of gender is "bimodal"- two most frequent types of gender - male & female. In between is a vulnerable normative minority we call trans.
"Soap and Sewage" (short free-verse poem) Cilantro - coriander Herb of Satan - the Devil Your evil taste ruins everything Herb of hell and retching For those with gene OR6A2 If you ask dinner guests about gluten and vegetarianism For the sake of God and pizza ask about this too (yes pizza ffs)
Pierre Poilievre says he can save Canada he's not a kind man (haiku)
Neighbour sent to me. Little bastard posed for a potrait after the action shot.
Bloodthirsty German children's song. Trust me, you need this ear worm. Blub blub blub blub. m.youtube.com/watch?v=FzI9...
Balaclava and ski mask are different, at least in typical Canadian usage. Red is ski mask. Black is balaclava.
We persuaded City Council over the objections of the City's Transportation Dept. The intersection will be safer for those on cycling & walking. Two articles from the Saskatoon Star Phoenix quoting me on behalf of Saskatoon Cycles & Tod Fox, husband of Natasha who was killed in this intersection.
City council overruled city transportation officials. They're going to fix the intersection where Natasha Fox was killed. Cycling. Saskatoon
Courts in USA are different. Jurors can't discuss anything abt trials & verdicts in Canada. Except after but only to mental health professionals who can't say anything bc confidentiality. Judges can prohibit identification of jurors. Prosec & defence pre-emptory rejection of jurors abolished 2019.
Trumpter swans are hanging put in the only ice-free spot on this lake. (A spring enters there, I've gone through the ice there myself at -22C)
The conference was ended by German police because Sittah said he admired the "determination & courage of the 07 Oct terrorist attackers. If he had been much younger, says the today 86-year-old he could have been one of them" (my transl) www.spiegel.de/panorama/jus...
Not chilling, justified. Police stopped conference when Salman Sbu Sitta began talking. He said he admired the "determination & courage of the 07 Oct terrorist attackers. If he had been much younger, says the now 86-year-old, he could have been one of them" (my transl) www.spiegel.de/panorama/jus...
Trumpeter swan on the ice. Still ~2 feet left on the lake (60cm). These buddies came back to nearly 50k from about 1000, 35 years ago.
Deleted Erase dog tag. Repost. Are there legit rescue associations? Here www.newhoperescue.org. Full vet, fostering, qualify to adopt. We're experienced but need to work individually w/ trainer re traumatized dogs for several. 3mon for this one to allow being touched at all. Breed: Klingon War Dog.
From the dead xBird site. Parody acct posts truth. In Sask the prov gov't is funding religious schools. They have higher per student funding than public schools bc of additional tuition. Criminal charges and a class action lawsuit underway. The Sask Party gov't fails.
Post a perfect album from the 90s that isn’t Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, or Alice in Chains. Sarah McLachlin- Surfacing
Saskatoon. Millar Ave multi-use path public consultation last week. This type of intersection fails. Winding path before intersection, sharp turns across dangerous slip lanes, drivers look L not R. Law says cyclists get off bike & walk the intersection. Better design- cycling brought to the street.
Saskatoon doesn't just jump the shark, it recommends sharks eat cyclists. Their answer to an intersection where a cyclist was killed (Natasha Fox) is to enhance walking signals. WTF 🤬
Looked. Is it Ubuntu with their GUI? I'm using Debian based with either Mate or XFCE desktops. This is a ~2007 HP with XFCE. Added L panel. Floating centre menu is brought up by R click. No desktop icons. 4 desktop switcher. Start is "anfang" because German and xfce mousey. Show your desktop!
Baked 4 fig flax spice mini-loaves for Easter. 440g.