Dr Jim PhD RDPsych

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Dr Jim PhD RDPsych


Clinical-community psychologist, cycologist. Retired from clinical practice. Consulting continues. Board member Saskatoon Cycles.
Oil companies "don't like electric cars & trucks (which can be charged up by consumer-owned PV panels without paying rent to Exxon or Shell). Never mind the moribund US car industry which has gone all-in on selling ridiculously heavy luxury vehicles..& can't compete" www.antipope.org/charlie/blog...
The coming storm, part 2 - Charlie's Diarywww.antipope.org Let's recap point by point from that piece.
Celiac disease would be medically certifiable, like other medical conditions that qualify for fed/prov benefits. Gluten intolerance may be anything from preference to something medical. Start with Celiac.
AI has no actual understanding of anything. It has a formula & steps to generate sequences of words. It generates one word after another based on the likelihood of a word being next in what it was trained with, within the topic it's given, with a bit of randomness to stay looking human-like.
Can you or someone describe the flavour? Burning would be different wouldn't it?
gmx has 2gb personal cloud, 10 change-at-will email addresses. it pushes ads but Blokada on Android, web browser blocked
A couple things trumpy or no. Cloud backup EU host if you really need it. Not gmail. Gmx is German hosted for example.
"Speaking truth to power" doesn't do it, unless you explain how talking becomes action.
Americans, please comment. Is he right? "The American right has since the founding of the Republic been bent on creating a system of hereditary aristocrats who govern w/out "interference" fr democratic institutions.. their power.. checked only by..other aristocrats." pluralistic.net/2024/07/14/f...
Pluralistic: The true, tactical significance of Project 2025 (14 Jul 2024) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorowpluralistic.net
If it starts singing, run. Little Shop of Horrors.
They likely cross fertilized with another plant species. Here be a hybrid methinks.
Pet animals, fire, media they consume, other predictive behaviour. & their hx of mistreatment. It's been decades since I directly worked on high risk/high need kids but we have decent predictive measures which can allow for early intervention. But for de-funding of community MH since early 1990s.
He looks like that guy who knew the guy who'd buy you a bottle in high school.
Hobbies. Watching others play a sport isn't a hobby. A hobby is something you do actively. Talking and looking up things on the internet are on the line between active and passive. Thus googling sports and talking about sportsing also aren't hobbies.
Context. "I think I should get more credit for killing Hitler. And I know you’re thinking: “Who’s Hitler?"... the only reason you’re saying that is because I went back in time and killed him." slate.com/news-and-pol...
Solidification of trauma memories may be softened if sufficient distraction of attention immediately after a trauma experience. Evidence is suggestive, not proved: cost-potential benefit means supportable. EMDR is not the same, it's exposure thpy, later on, with likely superfluous eye movements.
Dill mustard & few hot pepper flakes. Also, pour some beer into the chef.
"No place for political violence" posted & stated ironically.
Poetry of life. My parents died on the same day, 11 years apart, anniv of the first of which is shortly. I have an older sister and a younger brother born on the same day 6 years apart. If connection like this isn't nice I don't know what is.
History of NATO doesn't support your "tool of war". Ineptly defensive and responsive. Of course preventing war would be best, but it's naive to think there's that much power & efficacy resident in American or European led 'anything'. Vietnam, Georgia, Kuwait, Middle East.... demo'd that.
Oh sure. The Americans also goaded the Japanese to invade Manchuria in the 1930s. That there are political aspects that Russian propagandists use to justify their total war does not give blame to anyone else. Nor are women responsible for being beaten up by their partners when they decide to leave.
Helmet laws only exist so that the media can make the deaths of cycling children a personal problem and not an infrastructure one
When you've got Klingon opera hip-hop is rather baroque.
My youth was spent canoeing the Canadian north, the 18th century routes documented by David Thompson, doc'd again 19th century by JB Tyrell, and again early 1970s by Saskatchewan through the canoeing revival from 1967, 100th year of Canada.