
So, how is the "teaching folks about Project 2025" thing going? My mother, who has never voted in an election because, and I quote, "fuck 'em," is asking me questions about registering and voting in Michigan because if Project 2025 were to happen, I again quote, "my blind ass is as good as dead."
I'm extremely online and I only learned about it two weeks ago and still am foggy on the details beyond "Very Bad". I'm working on doing my part but I think we may need to slam on an information accelerator here, collectively
I'm an admitted politics nerd, so I knew about it early on. It has a lot of policies targeting just about every non-white non-cis male group you can think of, as well as eliminating federal agencies like the FBI and Department of Education. It'd also give POTUS DIRECT control over the DoJ. Not fun.
For convenience, here's a list of what Project 2025 will do.
For the people who don’t have time, here’s your Readers Digest version. You’re welcome.