cyberrb25 #7291

cyberrb25 #7291

Cuenta en construcción. Relator de los #viernes
.. ✊ France has already reached the threshold of signatures. 🔢 Germany and Denmark are close, Belgium next, but in many countries more signatures are needed. See ✍️ Share, and sign! #TaxTheRich
European Citizens' Give your support !
“It’s infuriating to see everyone talk about ‘Project 2025’ like it’s a revolution in the genre when its roots are so obvious,” said a rival game developer. “There was this little-known asymmetrical shooter from 1923 called ‘Weimar Republic’ that really paved the way for the genre." oofffffff
Martes 16 de julio. El Frente Popular francés que nos sirve de referente está en máxima tensión interna, mientras que el ala izquierda de los demócratas que no nos sirven de referencia son los únicos de todo su partido que no dan la pelea contra Trump por pérdida. ¿Demagogia la mía? Una poca, pero
🏆 ¡CAMPEONESSS OEOEOE! Congratulations to 🇪🇸 Spain for being the new #EURO2024 champion! With passion, teamwork, and dedication, everything is possible. And a big round of applause to all other teams for a fantastic #EURO2024. ⚽
El eufemismo de "completar el sueldo" es un detector de pusilánimes importante.
Nintendo's systemic policy of miscrediting is harming external translators External translators who've worked on major franchises including The Legend of Zelda and Animal Crossing have been refused credits and locked into decade-long NDAs
Llega a tu quiosco RADIOAFICIONADO DEL ESTADO. La revista de los que creen que merece la pena escuchar lo que tiene que decir la izquierda en este país.
Hey gamedevs! GDC has opened up their call for submissions for core concepts (summits are later). I'm on the advisory board for design so really want to encourage people to submit. Give us some cool talk proposals!
Core Concepts Call for Submissions | Game Developers Conference (GDC) GDC is the game industry's premier professional event, championing game developers and the advancement of their craft.
Over at Xitter, Musk is blocking reports confirming that it was a Russian missile that was launched at and hit the large children's hospital in Kyiv.
The President Ordered a Board to Probe a Massive Russian Cyberattack. It Never Did. By not investigating the underlying weakness in Microsoft software that was key to the SolarWinds hack, the Cyber Safety Review Board missed an opportunity to prevent future attacks, experts say.
The President Ordered a Board to Probe a Massive Russian Cyberattack. It Never By not investigating the underlying weakness in Microsoft software that was key to the SolarWinds hack, the Cyber Safety Review Board missed an opportunity to prevent future attacks, experts say.
The problem is that the Trump admin was full of generic white assholes so I can’t be sure, but this guy looks a fuck of a lot like the guy in the story I’m about to tell.
Brb declaring myself a corporation so I can have some rights
En Civio estamos en el centro de un proceso judicial que puede definir el futuro de la transparencia en las decisiones automatizadas, o en las que intervienen programas informáticos, algoritmos e inteligencias artificiales. 🧵
Me cuenta un amigo que trabaja en el Parlamento Europeo que los diputados de extrema derecha se dedican básicamente a dos cosas: a) tocarse los huevos y cobrar b) tumbar iniciativas sin proponer alternativas (Sigue)
Si vais a hacer promoción gratuita de un negocio o proyecto, que sea el de vuestros amigos y no el de la empresa para la que trabajáis. Otro recordatorio de que la empresa no es tu amiga.
Para mis amigos anarquistas, desde el cariño.
I just want to beg people to tell me what happens when we completely give up on the electoral system. Tell me what you imagine happening. I want to be able to see it. Tell me how it doesn't involve things getting so much worse, millions dying, before there's any chance of something better.
SÁNCHEZ ANUNCIARÁ EL 17 DE JULIO UN PLAN DE CALIDAD DEMOCRÁTICA QUE INCLUIRÁ: 1. Una limitación a la publicidad institucional y que fijará un porcentaje máximo de financiación pública para los medios 2. Que fijará criterios de transparencia en la publicidad pública institucional
PSA – Just in case someone forgor: Suicide Squad Isekai is OUT. And because nobody besides Crunchyroll gives that stuff the time of day, it will likely bomb outside Japan. Because some people have undeserved money to torture the rest of the world for being impervious to actual good decisions.
Are we shitting on libertarians now? CATNIP!
An absolutely predictable security risk vector. These companies provide a necessary service but one that nobody wants to pay for: a recipe for cost-cutting. I saw similar issues in toy safety: when the person spending the money isn’t the beneficiary of the spend they often pick cheap options.
New from 404 Media: the ID verification service for TikTok, Uber, X, and many more tech companies exposed real peoples' driver licenses. As we move towards an internet forcing us to verify our identities, shows these companies will absolutely be targeted
Always happy to make this offer: if you are or you know someone who’d like to work in journalism and comes from a background underrepresented in the media, feel free to email me for a coffee at FT HQ/online chat: [email protected]. Please reskeet (or whatever it is we do here)