
If Biden or Harris wins, I think there’s a very good chance that Vichy SCOTUS tries to hand the election to Trump. If that happens, we’ll see violence nationwide. So what would Biden do? I have no idea, and that’s one of many things that’s been keeping me up at night.
and yeah maybe? There Will Be Blood. That Heritage Turd just basically announced it openly, so either they're REALLY confident for good reason or they're overplaying the supervillain act or some of each. I'd suggest acting like both are possible but either way make some goddamn noise.
Today I saw King Twat released a "Project 2025? Quoi? I know nozzing of zees Project 2025. It sounds downright deplorable" and yeah no this shit needs to be hammered like Butter Emails one way or another from dusk til dawn no matter what. We will have A candidate, obviously unite behind them.
Insofar as we can do anything right now? My vote: if the media and the Dem insiders refuse to act like this is still normal at all, let's all try to push THEM. Especially the media and the ad makers. Grab the narrative while possible.
Previously I'd have said that SCOTUS would be smarter to hold their fire for next round, because inevitably some nightmare will get in in four or eight anyway and then Unitary Executive Unlimited Rice Pudding goes into effect. But it seems like they're just going for broke here, so who tf knows
Anyway, it's probably up to Biden at this point, and unless he really shits the bed again this weekend, I imagine he won't drop. But, dunno. There's also campaign funds and other such shit, right? It's not that obvious a choice, here. Plus screaming about smoky back rooms, etc
I recognize at least one piece of actual reason for going with Harris if possible: if he dies or goes tharn again AFTER the convention, we're fucked, because no one else can get on the ballot. Now? I dunno? Does anyone? But brokered = suicide, yes. These fuckbags--
If we lose outright, of course, I blame the fucking media and Democratic circular firing squad as much as anyone else. If he's gonna drop, it needs to be Harris and it basically needs to be right now, or after this weekend after he tap dances or wev the fuck.
Everything you said, yep. I guess partly it'll depend on exactly how it plays out. Misinformation also plays a big role. The more obvious it is that this is plain old bullshit to at least everyone but the rabid base, the harder time they have pulling it off.