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Prodemocracy. Climate action now. Upper Left, USA. Live music fan.
Reposted byAvatar aNorthernLight
Reposted byAvatar aNorthernLight
Reposted byAvatar aNorthernLight
813 US billionaires control a record $5.7 trillion in wealth. The bottom 50% of Americans control $3.7 trillion in wealth. When ~800 people control more wealth than half a country’s population, we have a very serious problem.
Reposted byAvatar aNorthernLight
Billionaires who condemned Trump are now flocking to his campaign. It’s obvious why. Biden wants a 25% tax on billionaires. Trump wants to double down on tax cuts for the rich. All they care about is lining their own pockets no matter the cost to everyone else.
Reposted byAvatar aNorthernLight
Since 2020, the five richest men on the planet have doubled their fortunes. During the same time period, nearly five billion people globally have become poorer. It's not radical to tax the rich. It's radical to allow this level of extreme wealth concentration to continue.
Reposted byAvatar aNorthernLight
Reposted byAvatar aNorthernLight
We seem to be in a moment of dire #EV news, amplified by clickbait headlines. Given Hertz's sale of 20,000 used #Tesla models, you might think EV sales have plateaued or collapsed. But they haven't: more EVs were sold in 2023 than ever. My analysis for Car and Driver.
EV Sales Are Just Getting You may have seen dire headlines that EV sales have dried up. They haven't. Electric vehicles sold reasonably well in 2023, and here's our forecast for the coming year.
If you haven’t yet watched the “Race to Alaska,” what are you waiting for? 750 miles—from Port Townsend, WA to Ketchikan, AK—without motors. The boats are interesting, and the people are amazing, and more than a little crazy. Massive fun to watch. This year I want to see them start. #R2AK
“Given that driving an electric vehicle saves the average driver about $20,000-$30,000 over 15 years in fuel cost savings alone, I think the only thing holding back consumer demand is a lack of information about this,” he said.
The Biden administration’s push to entice more Americans to buy electric vehicles is falling short of expectations as consumers fret over prices, battery range and a lack of charging stations.
EV transition cools as demand slows and automakers trim Consumers fret over prices, battery range and a lack of charging stations as the market awaits the arrival of federally subsidized infrastructure.
End of feed.