
Karen Bass just announced that LA is looking into a mask ban and it is a move that would essentially ban me from public life. I am humbly asking, if you are an LA resident, please call the mayors office and tell them about what it would do to those of us who have no choice but to mask for health.
What is driving these Democratic mayors to consider banning masks in major metropolitan areas? This is insane.
Wanting protesters they don’t like doxxed or imprisoned. Probably literally that simple. Saw a lot of fash and neolib fash enablers complaining about campus protesters against the genocide wearing masks.
UCLA was one of the largest and most publicized of the protests.
*doxxed then beaten or murdered by fascist street thugs or harassed by cops later Maybe bogus domestic terrorism charges etc like Atlanta is doing to anti Cop City efforts.
Sorry no this is bullshit. No. I'm livid.