Eric Carroll

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Eric Carroll

Rebuilding my social media graph, one platform at a time.
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Quebec in midst of new summer COVID wave 🍁 The most important health news, in one place.
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Today's Sunrise from #Mars by Curiosity Rover.
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You're in a desert. All of a sudden you see a cybertruck on its back. The cybertruck lays on its back, its battery pack baking in the hot sun, spinning its wheels, trying to turn itself over but it can't, not without your help. But you're not helping. Why is that?
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This One Weird Trick can stop authoritarianism
So voting is better than *not* voting when it comes to getting what you want? Huh.
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In other news, inflation looks beaten. The blip a few months ago looks like start-of-year price resets, and what’s left is lagged housing costs
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BREAKING NEWS: Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which instead came in third in initial results as polling stations closed.
Projections in France's election show voters rejecting the far Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which ...
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Here's my summary of the current Ai bubble from next week's newsletter
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getting this vibe here...
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Everyone watching any Bond movie: this is utterly unrealistic, no one would stand there and say exactly how they were going to do some awful thing, the Incredibles even made a joke about monologuing. Everyone experiencing reality: Oh. Oh, I see.
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Trump: I don't know anything about Project 2025 Here is a list of all the Trump officials who authored the Project 2025 blueprint, Mandate for Leadership. 25 of 36 were part of the Trump administration.
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From the American Heart Association. #Covid19 "I would argue that COVID-19 is not a disease of the lungs at all," she said. "It seems most likely that it is what we call a vascular and neurologic infection, affecting both nerve endings and our cardiovascular system."
Beyond breathing: How COVID-19 affects your heart, brain and other The "head-to-toe" effects of COVID-19 infection mean you still need to be cautious, experts say.
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"With just 1 vote, Caledon’s mayor & council approved 11 developments with open-ended zoning — including some that will double the town’s housing stock in the next 20 years & cut through sensitive Greenbelt lands — despite widespread criticism from residents, the region of Peel & even the province"
Caledon quickly approved 11 zoning changes despite opposition from Peel and the province. Critics say it’s the new ‘wild west’ of planning in Doug Ford's changes to municipal planning has stripped the system of checks and balances, critics charge.
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"The hospital census is more than double what it was at this time last year, when the BCCDC's July update showed just 96 COVID patients receiving hospital care." #Covid19
B.C. COVID hospitalizations at highest level since It may not be on most people's minds, but COVID-19 is on the rise again in B.C.
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New study by Linsey Marr: “We aerosolized SARS-CoV-2 & pulled it through masks. After 1hr we were able to recover infectious virus from fabric masks but not an N95 or surgical mask. When we pressed artificial skin against the masks we found viral RNA but no infectious virus on the skin.” #MasksWork
Stability of Aerosolized SARS-CoV-2 on Masks and Transfer to The potential for masks to act as fomites in the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 has been suggested but not demonstrated experimentally or observationally. In this study, we aerosolized a suspension of SAR...
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The new COVID variant seems to be evading immunity from vaccines and past infections. COVID cases are up 250% in NYC. Remember the more you get covid your risk for long covid increases significantly.
Avatar thanks for posting here. Would you be willing to make your BlueSky account visible on fediverse by following the opt-in bsky-fediverse bridge account ? The bridge allows mastodon users to follow you & avoid xitter More details:
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A safe supply doctor effectively being threatened with jail; economists attacked. Under Pierre Poilievre, the Conservative Party's attacks on experts have accelerated: blunter, nastier, and more personal. Is this the future in Canadian governance?
Bruce Arthur: ‘People should be afraid’: Pierre Poilievre’s Conservatives have been targeting experts. Is this just the beginning? Experts whose research and opinions don't dovetail with the policies of Pierre Poilievre's Tories are becoming political targets, Bruce Arthur writes.
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Doug Ford’s plan to privatize alcohol sales will cost Ontario taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars. Now it’s forcing LCBO workers to go on strike. Workers say Ford is helping billionaires and big business siphon profits from healthcare, education and public services
Doug Ford's Alcohol Privatization Plan Will Cost Ontario Taxpayers Hundreds of Millions of Dollars. Now It's Forcing LCBO Workers To Go On LCBO workers accuse Ford of working with billionaires and big business to siphon profits from healthcare, education and public services
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Things are pretty fucked up and the future is uncertain — probably the worst in my lifetime (perhaps excepting 1969 before I can remember). When it’s like that, I like to think about my grandparents and what they faced and got through with the Great Depression and WWII. /1
For those in the back... NO KNOWN BUSINESS CASE #GenerativeAiIsGoingGreat
Remember how the "retail theft crime wave" disappeared as soon as companies had to do their annual reports? That's because it's illegal to lie to shareholders. AI is booming (if you're a pleb) but if you have money - Goldman Sachs will be honest with you instead
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Extremely frustrating to hear legal experts analyzing the SCOTUS ruling on immunity like just another case - it's an inherently normalizing act. People need to stop playing constitutional Calvinball and treat them like political actors.
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That The Boys episode where Homelander hosts a meeting of the Federalist Society to plan a 25th Amendment coup against the future president is hitting a bit too hard.
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‘Visionary’ study finds inflammation, evidence of Covid virus years after infection 🍁 The most important health news, in one place.