
If you live in CA, both Butler and Padilla are on the Senate Judiciary Committee. Make time to call today. Then set a reminder in your phone to call again later this week. Then tell three friends to do the same.
Another thing you can do is call Dick Durbin's office and demand he stand up for democracy and haul Alito and Thomas before the Senate Judiciary Committee. And publicly demand their resignations. If you can't literally impeach them, AT LEAST use the bully pulpit. 202-224-2152.
Call White House and insist Biden replace them. He is literally immune from prosecution for anything he does now.
He's immune from prosecution, there's a chance he can get away with it and not get in trouble but it doesn't mean he has the power to do it. Just means for a few weeks he tries something and then after a while court call him out on it and he can't do it
Court can’t call him out on it if he replaces the court.
Okay but that's such a logical Not I honestly don't know how that would go like that's a chicken and egg situation