
Clarence Thomas, writing from a lounge chair on a yacht owned by Koch Industries while wearing a Koch Industries bathrobe, applying all his scientific expertise to conclude that regulating oil spills has no scientific basis, while Koch Industries readies his it’s-a-tip-not-a-bribe.
Gear up for several years of doctrinal chaos as courts try to figure out how to deal with regs in complex areas that the judges can't possibly understand ...
He's such an unrepenting pig (with apologies to real piggies everywhere). But I can't find another word for it. He's a disgusting, filthy, perverted, treasonous, insurrectionist, avaricious, self-centered, unintellectual, anti-American pig. As is his worthless wife. And Schlump.
Had Congress intended to regulate oil spills, it would have done so before 1761, and precisely defined the chemical makeup of each oil and applicable method of extraction. But our tradition reveals only concerns for whale oil, the extraction of which necessarily involves spillage in the sea.
Vote blue down the ballot and we can impeach Thomas. He doesn't deserve to be a Supreme Court Justice. He deserves ridicule and scorn. And dear Ginni belongs in prison.
Just a bunch of robed Catholic weirdos wandering the nation, telling airplane parts manufacturers how to do their jobs