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Bungie Studio Counsel, Patent Attorney, Anticheat Litigation Strategist, actual AI Lawdude, Warlock, GM, Proud Advocate for Millenial Judicial Challengers, in awe of PD's a.k.a. Real Lawyers. D2 as JAMS#8441
Anytime I'm at a hospital, I see all kinds of familiar gadgets from my time patent-drafting at KTS and I realize that I remember most if not every single one of near a thousand cases. This is why I have hundreds of weirdly deep pockets of knowledge yet barely remember names or basic trivia.
I once hosted several firms at our offices expressly to have them cross-talk IP litigation with KUSK and listen to Kathryn explain investigative technique and blockchain auditing. For the ones who couldn't make it, we brought Kathryn to them.
Reposted byAvatar Jams
Series of tweets about Columbia from an NBC News reporter.
I would bet that robust tracking and regulation of cryptocurrency transactions could net more sex-traffickers right now than almost any other possible government intervention. Always follow the money.
All kidding aside: SESTA-FOSTA has been taken in directions that were completely foreseeable but that none of us foresaw when working on it (I was still on the NCMEC Board). I have taken very strong lessons about red-teaming from this experience.
At the airport today, one lady's lack of a functional power outlet nearby led to about a dozen strangers doing an impromptu treasure hunt for working power. Final count - about 6 of the 20 outlets within sight are working.
End of feed.