The future producer of “Himbo Heist”

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The future producer of “Himbo Heist”

No longer head lawyer for Bungie. Kinda retired. Have entered my super villain era. Ex-Chief Legal Officer of Pokémon. Produced Detective Pikachu. Entertainment Law prof (University of Washington). Supporter of trans kids.
I’m a naturalized American (originally Canadian). My process wasn’t as long or hard, or filled with quite as much risk of death, as these people’s, but I can confirm that you’ll never find a more grateful American than one who jumped through all the hoops to become one.
America is not perfect. Far from it. But there are ideals worth fighting for, values worth pursuing, even when we fall short. Don’t abandon it to the totalitarians.
The Fourth Of The America That Could Be
Just finished the great holiday game “is there any propane in this tank?” Now onto “clean that grill”!
I realize there’s an entire genre of porn about fucking the babysitter, but: it’s incredibly easy not to do these things. You just don’t do them.
This looks very bad to me. "Had established consent" (by directly asking?) is a sensible standard in many situations, but not with 1) An employee 2) In his house 3) Just after meeting her. Completely ignores power in the situation, and the ability to coerce. Very bad indeed.
Happy Birthday, America! This year you can have a god-king again, as a treat, so long as he is also the host of Celebrity Apprentice.
VICTORY! I am hooking up my sound bar that I haven't had hooked up for years. I needed an AUX cable. Did I have one handy? No. Did I go to The Big Box Of Cables? YES! And what did I find there? THE EXACT CABLE I NEED! As well as an S-video cable and 9 RCA cables, if anyone needs some of those.
“It is not far-fetched to imagine that Roberts was mourning the decisive end of his vision of presiding over an institution seen as operating above the partisan fray.” Actually, in light of his recent votes and opinions, it is entirely far-fetched to believe that.
This is just stupid enough that I believe it 100%.
Galaxy brain moves afoot “In recent days, some company leaders and Democratic political operatives have called the chief executive of JPMorgan Chase, Jamie Dimon, according to someone with knowledge of the calls, to gauge his interest in replacing Mr. Biden”
Big Donors Turn on Biden. Some of the president’s past supporters want a new candidate, but they are leery of going public.
Max is saying better than I do a similar point to one I often make: that lawyers are professionally the living embodiment of Lawful Neutral. All our training is to uphold the system and its rules. Individual human lawyers come in all flavors, but our professional spot on the alignment chart is here.
It's a particular type of Lawyer Brain, the Wine Party Lawyer Brain. If your job and/or identity is being Mr. Smarty Pants who comes up with abstractions to explain away current events as fitting some principled form only you can see, then you'll just keep making up those forms no matter what.
In my line of work, we call this “preserving your litigation position”. Not a position Nintendo is known to use, though.
Nintendo says it will not use generative-AI, preferring to create stuff that is "unique to" them and to avoid copyrighted material used by gen-AI:
I’m in broad agreement with this entire thread they are posting this morning, in part because I find PETA to be extremely tiresome.
It is an incredibly deep seated cultural aversion in the West, you are not going to be able to logic people out of it, and it’s tiresome when commentators make smug comments to this effect about how “illogical” this aversion is.
She’s right, of course. Where are all these “small government” “defend the Constitution” types right now?
Watching the GOP reaction to the Supreme Court's "immunity" decision has been instructive. These folks don't "fear" Trump, as we've been told. They want a dictator. They may personally despise him and his smell. But he's their best shot at fascism.
Republican glee over "immunity" decision shows they don't fear Donald Trump — they desire a Trump has threatened to have people killed, and GOP politicians aren't bothered in the slightest
The German word for motorcycle cop is das Rollkommando.
“Tump” (verb) - in the American South, it means to turn something over, for something to fall over, be knocked over, etc. Often paired with the word “over.” I.e: “She tumped the canoe!” “I tumped over my cup of juice!” I’ve never heard this word used outside of the south but it’s a fun verb
Nobody expected it to be Pikachu. The expectation was that it would be Charizard, which makes a lot more sense (kids love dragons).
OK besides this below and DEVO coming out of the Kent State massacre, what are other facts you have about the evolution of art / music /etc that wouldn't be obvious if you didn't know but, retroactively, explain and/or illuminate a LOT ?
Time to find out which of those QAnon “defenders of children” actually meant it. Spoiler alert: zero.
Who you gonna vote for: Your grandpa who’s lost a step, isn’t perfect, but is still there, still got it where it counts. Or the weird old man who wakes up, paints his face bright orange, and then gets “massages” from 15 year old sex slaves?
Something to which only the biggest nerds are paying attention? Sure, that tracks.
Suddenly the current political moment is weirdly echoing elements of the first season of House of the Dragon
That was a very interesting day for me.
happy 8th birthday to Pokemon Go to the Polls
I admire the certainty of anyone who thinks they can guess what will and won’t be an “official act”. The whole point is to make it Calvinball.
Official act. Immune.
For years I have gone to the Army-Navy football game with a friend who went to West Point (Go Army!). Trump went exactly once. I think the reason he never went back was the retired officers booing him. Maybe that combined with the order given to the cadets and midshipmen not to react to him.
Lot of people on here seem to assume that the US military is basically as bad as US police when it comes to “being totally dominated by frothing MAGA freaks.” This is absolutely NOT the case.
I’m pleased to have people near my home in Seattle setting off fireworks on Canada Day. Even actual Canadians don’t care about it that much.
I take some small solace that one of the Right's stupider law professors, Stephen L. Carter from Yale, is mildly disheartened by this morning's judgment. This guy's big idea is the nonsense that "freedom of religion doesn't mean freedom from religion", if you wonder why I say he's stupid. #GiftLink
Trump Isn't Going to Like the Supreme Court's Immunity In particular, there’s a single line in the majority opinion that lets Special Counsel Jack Smith retain plenty of leeway.
But also: on Canada Day. The day we celebrate a country that got to become one by asking politely and waiting to be told it’s okay.
Pretty goddamn wild for the Supreme Court to give the president the powers of a king just three days before July Fourth.
I’m seeing a lot of this. I suspect we would rapidly find the answer includes that no act is “official” if it “goes against constitutional principles” or some similar nonsense.
if President Biden declared today's Supreme Court ruling to be an assault on democracy and ordered Chief Justice John Roberts imprisoned indefinitely, would that be an "official act?"
I look forward to him getting the full Taylor Lorenz treatment On Here. (Touches earpiece) Wait, I’m being told that didn’t happen?
Brooks admits upfront his abrogation of journalistic responsibility: "I should emphasize that I wasn’t trying to debate Bannon or rebut his beliefs; I wanted to understand how he sees the current moment." I stopped reading. My Unsettling Interview With Steve Bannon
Opinion | My Unsettling Interview With Steve On the eve of going to prison, populism’s grand strategist talks about what another Trump presidency would look like and the rise of MAGA-type movements around the world.
Looks like I was pretty close to right.
I’ve been expecting them to restate the policy/operations doctrine in such a way as to confirm their belief that policy is only things done by Republicans and Democrats only do operations.
Regretting canceling my subscription to the New York Times on a morning when they’re bringing me an oped from Bill Maher AND an interview with Steve Bannon. What a tantalizing feast for the mind, sadly beyond my reach now
I’m reminded of when I was at Pokémon and telling our CFO that the hourly workers flying to an event across the country should be paid for that time. Him: that’s where their job is that day; we don’t pay them for their time driving to the office on the days their job is here. I hate CFOs.
I think the key thing that the pandemic made office workers realise/accept about commuting is that it's unpaid work
I apologize to the people who follow me On Here and have seen this bit a lot since Thursday. Get ready to see it a lot more.
They’re very much persuaded by the good example set when Matt Santos fought off a floor challenge from Eric Baker. Of course, this only ever happened on The West Wing, but still: in their lifetime, it happened.
My feed for the past week has been full of two things: people complaining about Joe Biden, and people complaining about a bunch of inside baseball Bluesky drama. I haven’t felt the need to do a purge since getting On Here, but the second group is really making me question that.