
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here. Biden has a *rock solid* Presidential tenure, domestically at least. I dislike his FP, but I don't think we're going to get a US leader giving me what I want. He had one bad night. ONE. Every other event he's shone at. SOTU, press conferences, all of them.
It's a bummer but everyone saying he doesn't have what it takes is purposefully overlooking literally everything that's happened in the last 3.5 years and also his appearance today. George Bush literally vomited in the lap of the Japanese PM and passed out and everyone was like "haha whoops!"
Trump *observably actually has dementia* and people are like oh but he's so dynamic, and are ready to throw a guy who speaks slowly and had a bad cold overboard because he tried to power through a debate while sick as a dog, despite a tangible track record of meaningful success.
What is WRONG with you? Go outside and enjoy the sunny weekend. Eat an edible. Read a book, I recommend PIRANESI by Susanna Clarke. Watch "The Fall Guy", it's really funny and charming. Eat some tasty food. Drink a beer. Do a puzzle with your kids. My god.
The press has a narrative that they have been pushing for months and they are all salivating at the idea of being "vindicated" so the ignore the other fella lying through his teeth while writing thinkpieces about how Biden should "do the right thing" and hand over to some unnamed white Knight.
But definitely not Kamala who should also step aside for... reasons. Maybe that nice white boy from California. He definitely has no skeletons in the closet that will come out during a presidential campaign
The guy who used to be married to Trump's daughter in law? Surely nothing compromising will come out about him.
Would a man with that hair deceive me? Yes, I've had a terrible time dating, why do you ask?
I feel like everybody was Sure Trump had won the first debate in 2020 And now we look back on it and the hindsight consensus now was "he was weird and turned people away" but like, I'm sure that took time and processing. It's still only the day after!