
Fun fact: if you injure yourself and go to the ER on July 4th, you are likely to get taken care of by a doctor who has exactly four days of experience! 🙃
Residency training starts on July 1st, and residents are doctors who have graduated from medical school but have not yet been trained (or are in the process of being trained, more precisely). The way they are trained? Baptism by fire.
About 15 years ago I wound up in the hospital the first week of August. As I'm lying there in my bed with an IV and heart monitor, the phlebotomist taking my blood leans in and whispers "See all those doctors in the hall? They were med students six weeks ago!"
The one fun part of that whole affair was: John Kerry's daughter was my attending (she was awesome, we had a good rapport) and I got to watch her walk up and down the hall on rounds with her residents following her like a line of ducklings.