Aditya Mukerjee 🦦 πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

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Aditya Mukerjee 🦦 πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

"look at how the elections in France turned out! you need to vote in November!" Yes, we agree that a parliamentary semi-presidential system with multiple parties provides opportunities that are not available in the US thanks to the Electoral College and FTTP voting. Your point being?
Goddammit before you start another goddamn rant about the goddamn presidential vote in any goddamn direction PLEASE remember the fucking Electoral College renders 95% of any such discourse absolutely meaningless.
based bike riders
a restaurant in ann arbor put city council contact info on a sign by their cash register because the owner was mad that a protected bike lane replaced four (4) metered parking spots, and #a2council has gotten emails thanking them for the bike lane as a result
It hasn't even been a week since congestion pricing was supposed to into effect, and we already have a high-profile death in the CBD zone caused by an out of state driver. Guess what I'm going to be telling Hochul today when I call! (518) 474-8390
my takeaway is that we should complain to managers about bad public transit near their shops more often
I also think it has to do with who complains. If you drive to a store or restaurant, you might tell the manager, β€œUgh, parking sucks around here.” If you walk, bike or take transit, you probably don’t say anything. That leads to business owners believing that all their customers drive.
About 15 years ago I wound up in the hospital the first week of August. As I'm lying there in my bed with an IV and heart monitor, the phlebotomist taking my blood leans in and whispers "See all those doctors in the hall? They were med students six weeks ago!"
Fun fact: if you injure yourself and go to the ER on July 4th, you are likely to get taken care of by a doctor who has exactly four days of experience! πŸ™ƒ
The "prison rape" joke is inherently deeply homophobic, and it does not become magically less homophobic just because it's being weaponized against a white supremacist piece of shit like Steve Bannon.
It should not be controversial to say that prison sexual violence and/or coercion is never a good thing or an appropriate thing to joke or threaten about, even when the target is someone terrible. It is a deeply fucked up, traumatic part of our carceral system.
there's a certain irony that liberals who have spent four years yelling at leftists who criticize Biden at all for any reason have now, in one week, done more damage to Biden's candidacy than all those leftists combined
I think the freakout has been absurd and overblown and far more damaging than the debate itself, which would have been survivable if everyone had been willing to circle the wagons and push back on it I am, from a purely pragmatic standpoint, extremely concerned that the damage cannot be overcome
I never want to hear liberals claim leftists who criticize Biden are "helping Trump win", ever again.
Breaking News: President Biden told a key ally his campaign may be unsalvageable if he can’t convince the public he’s up for the job. The conversation is the first public indication that Biden is seriously considering whether he can recover after the debate.
The NYPD restored more than 2,000 missing discipline records to its public database of uniformed officers, weeks after ProPublica revealed data reliability issues. But it also removed case numbers, making future oversight more difficult.
NYPD Restores Thousands of Missing Records but Removes Case Numbers From Its Discipline The department restored more than 2,000 missing discipline records to its public database of uniformed officers, weeks after ProPublica revealed data reliability issues. But it also removed case numbe...
trump: i'm going to have everyone i dislike shot to death the heritage foundation: we're doing fascism baby, fuck yeah the left: wow. we should meet these explicit & violent threats with proportionate force biden: that's where you're wrong, jack. we gotta do this the right way. *does nothing*
these people do not intend to ever lose power again
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
This 100% explains why the pope keeps calling people the f slur. come get your people
"Now the president has no limits on his power, so I can't do anything to stop Trump." - Biden, the sitting president
Democrats once again default to their classic position of "this is bad, someone else should do something about it."
Biden says public must block Trump if Supreme Court will Biden called the court's immunity decision a β€œterrible disservice” to the nation.
Literally seeing this sandwiched between two posts about the Trump immunity SCOTUS decision. If Trump doesn't have to obey the law, why should anyone else have to?
I don't get it, why can't they commit fraud? Congress is doing it, scotus is doing it, the presidents do it, the wealthiest people in the world do it, everyone they are told to look up to and respect are celebrated for it. Why wouldn't they think they could commit fraud? It's the American Way.
Gen Zers are so disillusioned with the economy that they think it’s OK to commit A third of Gen Zers either know someone who has participated in payment fraud or have done so themselves.
The reason the NYT is publishing this piece is because your calls are working. Keep it up! Call Hochul and tell her that the MTA has already lost $2.5 million since yesterday due to her decision to block congestion pricing. It needs to go into effect NOW. ☎️: 518-474-8390
As far as I can tell, Biden can legally murder Trump, as long as he does it using government forces and claims it is to defend against an enemy of the state (ie, an insurrectionist).
it sure seems like they've made it legal for Biden to drone strike Trump
seriously, they are missing such an opportunity with this messaging
A huge winning message for the Democrats is "you will not have to think about this guy ever again"
Why is Kathy Hochul so bad at everything
NYC congestion pricing was supposed to go into effect today. Let's see what Governor Kathy Hochul -- who intervened to prevent the policy leaving a multi-billion dollar hole in the MTA's budget and canceling service improvements and needed station upgrades -- is up to. Oh. Oh no.
Personally I go for LGBTQ+ Max.
LGBTQ+ sounds like a premium subscription tier to the queer community