
New language for our publisher guidelines? "We don't knowingly sell titles that employ generative AI in any capacity. If we find out a particular title was created using AI, we reserve the right to remove AI-generated portions or delete the title from our offerings entirely." Opinions welcome
I have a 4kw story that was the result of idly riffing off a 1-line post from a Twitter bot. According to everyone I've shown it to it slaps. I'm getting hassled to sub it. It's about consequences of ubiquitous AI, but its unique launch point is that line. I have no idea if it's even worth subbing
Weightless sells ebooks from other publishers, we don’t publish any ourselves, but IMO this is worth submitting. Taking inspiration from one line by a bot is like taking inspiration from an interesting mold pattern on a wall: still very human
The issue primarily is that aside the creative work it has stolen for training data, the main thing AI writing has stolen is time: the time and energy of editors. I understand the importance of drawing a hard line against "AI assisted" submissions and am concerned that this is too much a grey area.
As someone who, for several years now, has been asked on a daily basis to "tidy up" AI output (in this case, translation), I feel this to the depths of my soul. You can't tidy it up. You can make it slightly less shit. But it never becomes good unless you retranslate it from scratch.
Indeed. As a translator you must be bombarded with it. I'd never consider submitting something written by AI or even reworked from AI output for publication. The only reason I'm on the edge about this one is that I wrote it. It's all my work, with the exception of the 11-word bot post I riffed off
Nah, a bot wrote some random words and you thought "Oh, I wonder what would happen if". That's just normal inspirational processes. So the story is totally your work, and you shouldn't feel remotely anxious about it.