Weightless Books

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Weightless Books


DRM-free, billionare-free, waitless ebooks from independent presses since 2010. https://weightlessbooks.com
That’s my name! On a magazine cover! 🥹 My first-ever short story will be online on the 11th, but why wait? You can read it now! Come for the incredible Emily C. Skaftun story, stay for mine!
New issue of @bcsmagazine.bsky.social today, featuring stories by Emily C. Skaftun and M.R. Robinson: weightlessbooks.com/beneath-ceas...
I've probably reread this book and its sequels at least 5 times. They're warm, comforting stories in a lived-in world. People are mostly doing the best they can in the circumstances they have.
#Booksky Sporadic reminder that we put out a new book last week and it’s terrific! POINT OF HOPES (Astreiant #1) is available at Weightless Books as well as everywhere else and it’s an excellent read! weightlessbooks.com/point-of-hop...
We're 344 subscribers away from where we were before Amazon pulled the rug out from under their traditional subscription program. There is light at the end of the tunnel, but still much work to do. clarkesworldmagazine.com/subscribe/
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasyclarkesworldmagazine.com Subscribe to Clarkesworld Magazine
If you need to temporarily disassociate from the state of American politics, may I recommend this absolute steal of a bundle of thirteen fabulously queer books?
#Booksky LAST day for the #PrideStoryBundle! Get 13 great queer books by authors like Melissa Scott, Ginn Hale, Avi Silver, Sarah Pinsker and more and help support LGBTQ refugees! storybundle.com/pride
If you’re able, become IZ’s 66th monthly patron today and help feed the foundries and power the engines of INTERZONE so it can continue to publish stories as sublime and as satisfying as ‘The Clockwork Heart of Heaven’ by Roby Davies, and not go the way of the dimetrodons interzone.press/patreon
Get in on that time-travelling ape death squad × planetary secret history × incisive art commentary action, only in INTERZONE #299 scarletferret.com/magazines/in... weightlessbooks.com/interzone-299/ And Roby’s ‘The Ship’, reprinted in IZ Digital, is not to be missed interzone.digital/the-ship/
Get more from INTERZONE on Patreoninterzone.press a European zine publishing fiction & non-fiction
The first book in a wonderful series! You need it!
New today at Weightless from @qospress.bsky.social, the new edition of the first book in the Astreiant series by Melissa Scott and Lisa A. Barnett, POINT OF HOPES: weightlessbooks.com/point-of-hop...
This is very nice and should be an extremely basic addition for every studio & publisher and it has unfortunately gotten to the point where if they don’t say something like this, you can’t really trust them until they do
New language for our publisher guidelines? "We don't knowingly sell titles that employ generative AI in any capacity. If we find out a particular title was created using AI, we reserve the right to remove AI-generated portions or delete the title from our offerings entirely." Opinions welcome
New today at Weightless from @qospress.bsky.social, the new edition of the first book in the Astreiant series by Melissa Scott and Lisa A. Barnett, POINT OF HOPES: weightlessbooks.com/point-of-hop...
New today from Wildside Press, our first new Megapack in awhile, featuring the work of SF master Poul Anderson: weightlessbooks.com/the-poul-and...
In an ongoing effort to keep our web 1.0 site viable here in AI-beset, enshittified 2024, we are (temporarily) turning off comments. You can still and please do reach us via email (weightlessbooks at gmail) with any support requests / advice / questions and we will respond just as fast!
Bit of a disturbing trend here. This is blocked spam comments. June is already triple the highest-ever previous monthly total in the last 14 years.
Site got hit by some mean new malicious bots over this weekend--sorry if you struggled to connect! Please try again now? Interzone issues and subscriptions still on huge sale!
Huge @interzone.press sale starting today to celebrate @interzone.digital’s 2nd anniversary! Issues $1! Subscriptions 50% off! weightlessbooks.com/category/pub...
MYY Press « Weightless Booksweightlessbooks.com
Okay! Blocked some bots, upgraded some upgrades, optimized some optimizations, and we're back stable. For now. Fingers crossed. Please resume taking advantage of that @interzone.press sale: weightlessbooks.com/category/pub...
Sorry, folks--site is down intermittently due to some new no doubt malicious scraper bots hitting us. These are the times that try
MYY Press « Weightless Booksweightlessbooks.com
Oh hey tech firms what’s up, I found the miracle solution: throw this unwanted AI shit into the fucking trash where it belongs
Some absurdly good bargains here, on single issues & subscriptions.
Huge @interzone.press sale starting today to celebrate @interzone.digital’s 2nd anniversary! Issues $1! Subscriptions 50% off! weightlessbooks.com/category/pub...
MYY Press « Weightless Booksweightlessbooks.com
Sorry, folks--site is down intermittently due to some new no doubt malicious scraper bots hitting us. These are the times that try
Big sale on Interzone at Weightless Books. Issues for $1.
Huge @interzone.press sale starting today to celebrate @interzone.digital’s 2nd anniversary! Issues $1! Subscriptions 50% off! weightlessbooks.com/category/pub...
MYY Press « Weightless Booksweightlessbooks.com
I've added a disclaimer to my website: "Redfern does not use generative AI for any part of their writing at any stage." I suggest other authors to the same. If you don't want to write, then don't be a writer!
BCS #410 ebook is out early today at @weightlessbooks.bsky.social & Kindle Store and for subscribers, with stories of magic and regulation and escaping it by Stephen Case and J.C. Snow, behind cover art by Philipp A. Urlich: weightlessbooks.com/fiction/bene... www.amazon.com/Beneath-Ceas...
Beneath Ceaseless Skies Issue #410 « Weightless Booksweightlessbooks.com
I love reminding myself of fantastic books I've enjoyed. Here's a recommended read: Yamada Monogatari: Demon Hunter by Richard Parks Period Japanese demon hunting in the style of Raymond Chandler. The entire series is available in DRM-free ebook format from @weightlessbooks.bsky.social. 💜
Yamada Monogatari: Demon Hunterlibreture.com Yamada Monogatari: Demon Hunter by Richard Parks from kevin's library.
Support a small press! And you NEED Point of Hopes + sequels in your life, so now's a great time to start!
#Booksky Support queer publishers and queer-owned bookstores at the same time! All our print books, including the preorder for POINT OF HOPES by Melissa Scott and Lisa A. Barnett, are available on Bookshop! bookshop.org/lists/queen-...
Queen of Swords Press Titlesbookshop.org Check out this list on Bookshop
New issue of @bcsmagazine.bsky.social is here, with stories by Jonathan Louis Duckworth and Cara Marsten DiGirolamo: weightlessbooks.com/beneath-ceas...