Jane Rigby

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Jane Rigby


Astronomer queer geek parent UU BLM she/her human. Views mine

Reach for the stars. But not that one — it’s about to go boom.
Happy Pride! Be yourself, be fabulous, and know that you belong in the Universe
Spent yesterday at the Defense Intelligence Agency, attending the Intelligence Community’s Pride Summit. Attended breakout on neurodiversity, panel on BIPOC/queer in gov service, and Col. Bree Fram’s amazing keynote. + gave a keynote. I’m tired. Also, weird to be in a bldg w no devices. No phones??
Gorgeous! Hoping somebody makes a version entirely from JWST images
I made this Pride flag using only NASA images and our team thought it would be cool to share on social (I work on the NASA heliophysics communications team), but it's getting all sorts of hate on the bird app and Fbook. Thought y'all might be more appreciative of it here. ☺️🏳️‍🌈💖
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Wow, thank you so much for all the love! I'm so happy NASA space Pride has resonated with you all. I knew it would be appreciated here, but never guessed it would be top-15-posts-of-all-time appreciated! I have given myself a migraine trying to respond to you all, so I must put my phone down now 🫠
I made this Pride flag using only NASA images and our team thought it would be cool to share on social (I work on the NASA heliophysics communications team), but it's getting all sorts of hate on the bird app and Fbook. Thought y'all might be more appreciative of it here. ☺️🏳️‍🌈💖
Potomac River approach to DCA!
Great plenary by Robert Hurt of IPAC, w this gem of career advice
Reposted byAvatar Jane Rigby
NASA Town Hall, which I thought would be more contentious. NASA plans to reduce the operational budget for Hubble and Chandra. No decisions yet, there will be a virtual town hall in a few months. Want to keep both Hubble and Chandra operational — but need to find a cheaper way to run them. #AAS244
Took a brain break at #AAS244. Yay for some contemplative time on the water!
Session 213 at #AAS244, Community Models of Astronomy: Applying Principles of Mutuality and Stewardship, happening now in Hall of Ideas G.
Snippets from Madison, Wisconsin at #AAS244
Reposted byAvatar Jane Rigby
If you needed more proof that consent is a foreign concept to these tech bros.
NPR tech reporter Bobby Allyn obtained this statement from Scarlett Johansson regarding OpenAI's ChatGPT voice that sounds like her role from the 2013 movie "Her"
My notes from when the President cold-called me two weeks ago, to offer me the Presidential Medal of Freedom. (Scribbled on the back of a paper draft).
Lint rolling a galaxy cluster. Like ya do
Should I delete my Twitter?
After the solar eclipse, the laundry. Back home safely, hoping to carry totality in my heart
Nothing to see here, just astronauts and race cars
Happy eclipse day from the Indianapolis motor speedway!
With the regular meatball on top. Style guide, updated
Kudos to NASA science Mission Directorate AA Nicky Fox for wearing a #Pride version of the #NASA logo lapel pin to a hearing chaired by a Texas republican. Just sayin'. #diversity #inclusion #LGBTQ #WomensHistoryMonth
It is a perfectly normal thing to be googling high schools and grocery stores (big parking lots) in the path of totality, at 2am. Right?
Anti-lynching memorials, Indianapolis
Even the dinosaurs are ready for the solar eclipse! (At the children’s museum, Indianapolis.)
I would just like it recorded, that I have now taken my mandatory workplace safety eclipse training (despite crappy hotel wifi), so as a PhD astronomer, I am now allowed to talk to the public about shadows, moon, sun, etc
I don’t even like bball, and the technical details are going over my head — but I’m crushing on the energy, expertise, and Black female excellence and joy of the commentators in the Iowa v UConn game
Phil NAILS this. If you spend the eclipse fiddling w your device, then that’s what you’ll remember. A total solar eclipse is one of the most emotional events you can experience. Go. Be present. Soak it in. Cry. Laugh. Laugh-cry-happyscream. Feel your feels. You’re a part of the universe.
There have been a lot - a LOT - of articles about the science of Monday's total solar eclipse. But what about the magic? An eclipse is a profoundly emotional experience. Here's how to make sure you get the most from it: just *be there* for it. www.scientificamerican.com/article/a-so... 🔭 🧪
A Solar Eclipse Is Too Special to See Through Your Smartphonewww.scientificamerican.com To make the most of any total solar eclipse, put down your gadgets and bask in one of our solar system’s most glorious spectacles
The historic kosher deli in Indianapolis is selling commemorative eclipse coasters and solar glasses
Every email from me and colleagues right now: “I see your request. I will try to get to it after the eclipse.”
Headed to Indianapolis for the total solar eclipse! Come join nasa at the motor speedway!
Please help advertise this open position at NASA: JWST Deputy Project Scientist for Data, Calibration, Pipeline, and Archive www.usajobs.gov/job/783357700 Deadline Monday April 8