Jan Machielsen

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Jan Machielsen


Historian of early modern religion, working on witches and saints. Loves hikes and risotto.
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17 out of 24 targeted for compulsory redundancies. It sucks for the staff who may be forced to leave, and it sucks for the staff who would be left to carry the teaching (and admin and research) on their own and somehow keep the department viable. It's awful.
So happy with the dust jacket of my new book which went to the printers today! (So please don't point out any mistakes. 😅) www.bloomsbury.com/uk/basque-wi...
Reposted byAvatar Jan Machielsen
This just keeps getting better.
When an article says "some scientists think" then remember this: I, a scientist, once thought I could fit a whole orange in my mouth. I could, it turns out, get it in there, but I hadn't given sufficient thought to the reverse operation.
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#CFP Seeking papers (esp. from advanced PhD students and ECRs) to fill out an exciting series of sessions I'm organizing for #RenSA25 on #religion in the history of scholarship!! Please email or message me ASAP if you are interested. #reformazing
Reposted byAvatar Jan Machielsen
this is incredible. did any of the senior conservatives etc NOT place a bet? Unusual burst of bets preceded Rishi Sunak’s election announcement on.ft.com/3RBliou
Reposted byAvatar Jan Machielsen
#EarlyModern folk, pls help! The word "coitre" does not exist in Spanish. From what I gather this was a wooden box with curtains, glass and it seems a door that opened. My guess is that it was for devotional use. Anybody has seen this word before? Thx!
Fascinating #earlymodern #hextag find: an illustrated 17c witchcraft account with numbered drawings of all the protagonists. Here is one of the witches and her familiar. Haven't come across this before! Does anyone know if any others?
The logo of Benevento's witchcraft museum is quite something. 😳 #hextag
Final stop of this trip, Benevento, the famous city of witches.
The absolutely extraordinary cave church that is the Crypta di San Biagio near San Vito di Normanni. Created by Byzantine monks who fled the East. You need to contact the council to arrange to see it, but it's so worth it! #earlymodern
Chapel of St Irene. Is that Jerome day dreaming at the top? Very odd.
Mary is still always reading. (Times two.) Basilica of Santa Croce, Lecce.
Christ meets Aquaman? The modern art section of the diocesan museum is wild!
I'm just a girl... with a head ...
Note the little dragon sticking out... Don't think the artist got the proportions right. 😝 #earlymodern
The figure in the bottom corner. I don't think I've ever seen a patron look more out of context. 😂 #earlymodern
A saint with a headache in Lecce. 😅
Another day, another incarnation of Mary. Here she's handing out belts (!) to saints.
Spent the afternoon on a beach reading Kat Hill's beautiful memoir. The contrast in landscapes couldn't be bigger but it was riveting reading!
The Basilica of the Assumption of the Virgin in Trani must be one of the best situated churches in the world.
Frying under the cross. 😝
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The premodern world held possibilities and imagined futures: the physical and metaphysical systems that were actively built and contested then continue to inform the world in the present. Read our statement on the value of Renaissance & Premodern Studies: www.rensoc.org.uk/statement-on...
Lunch in Tivoli with my bestie while the Vatican is taking a Catholic holiday. 😊
The graves of the rebel O'Neills in the San Pietro in Montorio. It was my friend Harriet's favourite church in Rome. Really wish they had somewhere to light a candle.
Some very appropriate twinning going on here. The wine better be good!
Really happy to have this paper copy of my tribute to Jeanine De Landtsheer, a truly genuine human being who is still much missed. She and I spent many happy lunches discussing this one MS so this essay reflects her scholarship as much as mine. jstor.org/stable/27295442 #earlymodern
My risotto obsession is out of control... Discovered I had 8 packs of the stuff yesterday. 😅
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Fantastic AGM yesterday, where we waved a teary farewell and thanked those who are stepping down from Council: Sophie Butler, Jason Harris, @janmachielsen.bsky.social, Raphäele Mouren & Syrithe Pugh.