Michael Munnik

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Michael Munnik


Canadian pilgrim in Wales. Sociologist of media and religion, senior lecturer at Cardiff University, Centre for the Study of Islam in the UK. Musical side-hustle at https://michaelmunnik.ca/
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The best kind of twist is one that hits you hard in the moment but in retrospect was inevitable. The final sentence here is a great example of the form.
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Capitalism is not the exchange of goods and services for money. It is allowing the accumulation of wealth in the hands of the few, meaning that the labor of an individual makes money primarily for a person who sits on their ass.
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bouie singlehandedly forcing this site to implement features that make it usable for anyone with more than a few hundred followers
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Today is the 80th anniversary of this New Yorker cover by Rea Irvin, portraying the D-Day invasion in the style of the Bayeux Tapestry. Bayeux was the first town to be liberated (although the tapestry was, to the surprise of many, not there anymore; that story is the subject of my next novel.) 1/5
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BACK INTO HELL (1993) Acrylic on Watercolor Board - 30" x 20" Like everyone else in the world, I was aware of the epic piece Rich Corben had done for the first BAT OUT OF HELL cover—so my first feeling was a sinking one. 1/5
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I root for Spain tonight while drinking Dutch beer because well I think that should be obvious. I'm only grateful to England for making the Dutch not have to play the Spanish in the final, and that is a very begrudging kind of gratitude.
I root for England because I am an anti-utilitarian and believe their victory would lead to the most overall suffering.
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I’m being told dogpiling individual Black journalists is righteous “protest” and I, a Black scholar of social movements and media need to shut up about it. I am very sorry folks don’t have better community and outlets to organize and I’ll give up, but I must say, that’s a wild definition of protest
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Kid has decided his Lego town needs a college, so he started with a graduate student lab, where everything is on fire and people are crying.
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The Paris Hilton cover band, The Celebutotties, will not take the stage tonight until their 15-foot inflatable chihuahua is returned undamaged.
Sad to hear the news about Shelly Duvall, but when I see her in my mind, it's not the Shining I'm seeing. She's a kooky friend. What is it? Steve Martin's there... ah, yes. Roxanne. Loved it. www.imdb.com/title/tt0093...
Roxanne (1987) - IMDbwww.imdb.com Roxanne (1987) Shelley Duvall as Dixie
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The University of Guelph (near Toronto) seeks to appoint a research chair in the economics of health, environment and/or well-being. Applications will be considered from July 1 until position is filled. 📉📈 🩺📊🛟😷 #AcademicSky #demography #envecon
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born to ask where my people at, forced to ask google scholar who cited book i love
Chiming in utterly anecdotally, when a gull chick fell in our enclosed back garden and injured its wing, we put out food periodically for it. For all our jokes about "chips", we put out fish fingers, and it typically left the breaded coating on the tray and just ate the fish.
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Writers: Challenge the agreement/contract that your publishers present you with. They'll start off saying this is our contract, take it or leave it, but it's negotiable. Every contract is. 'Boilerplate' means this is where you start, not where you finish. And learn what 'subsidiary rights' means.
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Before you sign anything, check with professional organisations such as the UK's Society of Authors, who offer a lot of free guidance as well as specific advice for members. www2.societyofauthors.org
Writers: Challenge the agreement/contract that your publishers present you with. They'll start off saying this is our contract, take it or leave it, but it's negotiable. Every contract is. 'Boilerplate' means this is where you start, not where you finish. And learn what 'subsidiary rights' means.
Train energy as I cut my way thru England is decidedly low-key, which suits me fine. I'm an immigrant Dutch supporter wending my way to Wales, orange shirt safely hid. (Beneath a green shirt with bicycle print, so I may be tipping my hand anyway...) Hup Holland Hup!
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Academics: I want to be an academic so I don't have a boss Also academics: Who assigned me so many projects!?
No thank you. One of the massive benefits of voting out jerks like Rees-Mogg is that there is no longer any reason to hear from them or give them privileged space on the airwaves.
I have to keep reminding myself that these characters are now where they've always belonged, in the entertainment business. (Not my choice of entertainment obvs.) www.thetimes.com/article/e66c...
Keeping up with the Rees-Moggs — can Jacob become a reality star?www.thetimes.com Filming has started on a new fly-on-the-wall TV show starring the former Conservative MP. Hugo Rifkind imagines its script
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Don't replace him. Abolish the office, which has been primarily a policing and political influence operation since it was founded. Position government as a genuine partner of universities. Stop the vandalism. Democratise universities. feweek.co.uk/ofs-chair-lo...
OfS chair Lord Wharton suddenly resignsfeweek.co.uk The political independence of the HE regulator has been criticised under Wharton's tenure
Trust Abby Day to put the tools of the sociology of religion to beauty therapists, hairdressers, personal trainers &c. as religious-adjacent professionals in a spiritual practice. Great project! #SocRel24
I am convinced that it would be MUCH cheaper for the university to simply give me a pre-paid credit card with a 5-10k limit to cover conference travel, software, per-diems blah blah blah than whatever they are paying the layers of admin and also my lost productivity doing onerous expense reports
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I'm kind of grooving on the idea of Anne making a few extra shillings by running a William Shakespeare gift shoppe.
This is my favorite idiotic attribution, because (a) it sounds nothing like WS, and (b) there's no easier author to google than WS. [Spoiler: It's a translated line from Boito's libretto for Verdi's opera Falstaff.] [Though who knows maybe it came from one of Anne Hathaway's potpourri pillows.]
From base materials to symbols suffused with spiritual meaning. Working with Play-Doh during a teaching-methods talk at #SocRel24
As #SocRel24 convenes and the PGRs/ECRs meet for breakfast in a couple of hours, a thread to think about. (Not that many SocRel types are on this platform; trying to reverse that...)
This is a really good report to see! I have some *thoughts* as an early-career researcher about conferences, though. I think that in-person meetings are still MUCH better for networking than online ones, and we really need to improve that as a community. 🔭
17 out of 24 targeted for compulsory redundancies. It sucks for the staff who may be forced to leave, and it sucks for the staff who would be left to carry the teaching (and admin and research) on their own and somehow keep the department viable. It's awful.
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