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Kidlit Illustrator, writer and UX/UI designer 🇳🇿

Happy #kidlitpostcard day! Hello art directors and editors! I’m Shawna J. C. Tenney, author and Illustrator of children’s books. I love painting kids and animals in fun and fantastical stories. I’m looking to illustrate picture books and middle grade covers. Rep’d by @lkliterary.bsky.social
So refreshing to have the option to sort hashtag results by latest. Who would've thought?
Happy #KidLitArtPostcard Day! This piece was inspired by themed parties, classic poodle push toys, and big hair. I'm looking for new #kidlit picture book projects to illustrate. Rep'd by Sean McCarthy. More work at www.ginaperry.com
Hi #KidLitArtPostcard day, I love telling stories about friendship and adventures with my illustrations. Please reach out if you would like to work together. Agent: [email protected] Portfolio: theremaybecats.com
Do you like the summer sun? Or do you hide in the shade? If you’re anything like me you burn too easily and so I hide away in the summer or get sunburnt. Happy #kidlitartpostcard day. My name is Mark Hoffmann and I’m a kidlit author/illustrator. I am rep’d by Jenn Laughran (@literaticat)
Hello and happy #kidlitartpostcard day! My name is Anya, I am an author-illustrator from Denver and I am looking for representation.
Happy #KidLitArtPostcard Day! I’m Chris and am happy to share my work today. Give my rep Lori Steel at Steelworks Literary a ring for projects. Website Thornockstudios.com.
Related: Did you know that #kidlitartpostcard was started by @ginaperry.bsky.social in May of 2021? Did you also know that TODAY is the FIRST #kidlitartpostcard Gina has encouraged illustrators across social media to exclusively post their #art on Bluesky and Cara? That’s a BIG DEAL! 💙❤️
Hey people outside of the children’s book publishing community, did you know that once a month (today!) ALL the #kidlit illustrators share their #art using the hashtag #kidlitartpostcard? Scroll and smile! Hey illustrators, I’ll be offline today but plan to look at every post tonight/tomorrow. 💙❤️
It’s #kidlitartpostcard day! Hi everyone, I’m Teo, Finland-based illustrator, who loves making kids illustrations and drawing animals! 🌐 teogeorgiev.com/ 🎨 Represented by Inkling Illustration Agency #kidlit #illustration
Happy #kidlitartpostcard day to all who celebrate! I'm Nicola, a UK based illustrator open for picturebook work and seeking representation. 🎨 NicolaSchofield.com 💌 [email protected] #kidlitart #illustration
Happy #KidLitArtPostcard day! I’m Jason, an illustrator, writer and designer from New Zealand. Looking to write and illustrate my own picture books as well as others. Currently seeking representation. www.jasoncrowley.art
Some solid advice in here
Welcome to #KidLitAMA! Today’s guest is Scholastic Art Director @brianlarossa.com (bio here). To ask a question, reply to this main thread. Start w/ "QUESTION for @brianlarossa.com" & incl #KidLitAMA to make it easier to find. Reminder: Only those who registered can post. Take it away, Brian!
Hey #kidlit illustrators, I’d like to gift a free, one-hour, portfolio-review/coaching-session. 1) reply with samples of your art. 2) repost this message. I’ll pick a winner at random next week from those who do both. Win or lose, I’ll take a close look at every reply. 💙❤️
Really not a fan of the big wall of hashtags look on here. Could we choose to have them collapsed by default or something?
End of feed.