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30-something Canadian with an unhealthy obsession with video games, wrestling, 90s anime and genre fiction 💙💜❤️ 🍃
"did you hear about what Joe Rogan said?" No and I'd like to keep it that way
The porn bots that follow me on instagram are so shitty I'm surprised anybody is falling for them. Like, you have 4 pictures and they're all different people! You expect me to believe "Hailey from Arizona who loves to have fun" is both a white blonde lady and also Asian? Come on, dude.
My 6 year old nephew is so jealous because I've seen the Five Nights at Freddy's movie
Reposted byAvatar Justin
The people coming out of LONGLEGS and complaining that it isn't scary are not horror people and clearly missed the plot. Horror is so much more than jump scares. 🎥 #filmsky #horrorsky
I've finally read the entire Chip Zdarsky Daredevil run and goddamn that shit was good.
I rarely drink and I drank 3 beers tonight which means I'm watching Babymetal videos at 1:30 am
Every artist I don't like is an industry plant, actually
Comfortable with the fact that I will absolutely never watch The Bear. If I wanted a high-strung cook to scream at me, I'd go visit my dad.
The 5 minutes that I have 4 digits in my bank account on payday are always pretty cool
I hope two men makeout in The Acolyte just so the chuds can cry. It would be funny.
Reposted byAvatar Justin
For lunch I had a bagel and a double Jemison on the rocks. For dinner I had three (3) chicken wings. Oops, I'm depressed again!
My hyper fixations have reverted to comic books and chicken strips. I feel like a 13 year old in a 31 year old's body.
Reposted byAvatar Justin
"no, I'm not related to Trent, but I am a big industrial fan"
It's kinda weird how the main thing in The Office was an asshole mercilessly bullying an autistic man and it was played for laughs.
How do I get tiktok to understand I like wrestling but not shoot interviews or "top 10 reasons AEW sucks!!!" videos?
Today an old guy told me he used to drive 18 wheelers and I just went "that's dope" and his face dropped and he went "anyway I won't keep ya" and left. Did I just find the cheat code for getting chatty old dudes to leave?
Can we abolish the terms "neurospicy" and "acoustic"? That would be great.
It's so funny how people are mad about fire in space in Star Wars when that's literally been a thing since Empire Strikes back.
Does anybody else remember going "ah fuck I didn't plug my iPod into my laptop this morning and now I don't have any new podcasts" or am I just old?
Reposted byAvatar Justin
Hey it's pride month, who wants to make out?
Honestly love how J-lo and the Black Keys fucked around with really expensive arena shows and found out by cancelling their tours due to low ticket sales.
People who complain that "every movie is a remake or sequel" are just telling on themselves for not paying attention to international movies, independent movies or animation.
Extremely funny to me how the Pope's "apology" for saying a homophobic slur was basically "y'all weren't supposed to hear that lol"
Reposted byAvatar Justin
99% of the Tate-Shapiro-Peterson universe is selling the aesthetics of an imaginary version of adult masculinity to 12-16 year old boys. They accuse everyone else of "grooming" because they know their shtick is aimed at children (and has some bycatch of adults who are emotionally 12).
I was looking into how Ben Shapiro's evil little company has these pathetic videos where him and all his creepy friends sit around smoking cigars and drinking whiskey in leather chairs and it turns out they are very big on cigars over there. Also they put this photo out apparently earnestly.
Modern (non indie) game development cycle is just "make huge game --> sell huge game --> fail to meet publishers insane sales expectations --> layoffs and studio shutdowns Seems completely normal and sustainable to me!
*Method Man voice* I'll fuckin.. I'll fuckin.. I'll lock ya in a room and lock ya in a room with Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro
My wife won't let me keep a little dirt under my pillow for the Dirt Man 😔
Fucked around and got a triple double* * I ordered a Triple Double Crunchwrap Supreme from Taco Bell