they/them causing jayhem

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they/them causing jayhem

☪️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 | 🇦🇺🇵🇰🇹🇷 | good at words: | baby lawyer | they/them | living on occupied wulgurukaba/bindal country | fabricati diem, pvnc
we will never have true equality until there is a gender-neutral term for aunt/uncle that isn't cringe and bad with terrible mouthfeel
today's little moment of trans joy was when I opened my mouth to speak and my voice came out about an octave deeper than I was expecting (I am functionally a teenage boy experiencing all the joys of puberty)
a positive update to this: I was on outreach for most of today with one of my colleagues who consistently genders me correctly without making a big deal about it and everything was great 💜
recently bought some they/them pronoun items to wear to work and I'm thinking of just passive-aggressively adding an item every day that someone misgenders me until I'm covered in pronoun badges like a lovecraftian nightmare of gender affirmation
I'm going to show up like a military veteran on anzac day but with dozens of MY PRONOUNS ARE THEY/THEM badges, one for every act of distinguished service as a trans person
recently bought some they/them pronoun items to wear to work and I'm thinking of just passive-aggressively adding an item every day that someone misgenders me until I'm covered in pronoun badges like a lovecraftian nightmare of gender affirmation
recently bought some they/them pronoun items to wear to work and I'm thinking of just passive-aggressively adding an item every day that someone misgenders me until I'm covered in pronoun badges like a lovecraftian nightmare of gender affirmation
If this ain’t the gift that keeps on giving Thanks to for posting this in Auspol Shitposting He’s crossed over into ‘disgraced’ early but I can’t wait until he’s in ‘former’
It’s that time once again Auspol watchers The political strife scale is once again in effect (I’m not at my computer so I can’t replace the head) …just ask the embattled Mayor of Townsville
Reddit - Dive into That's right, this under appreciated Australian City now has its own subreddit. Don't forget to check out r/jamescook and r/cquni for all you university dwelling Townsvillianites.
my favourite point that she makes is that actually, it's not just about being sensitive (though it's also about that) - it's about how in the good old days, the mythical golden age where you could say anything about anyone, they didn't even let women (or PoC, gay people, etc) in the door
Great interview with Julia Louis-Dreyfus, with sharp observations about the "political correctness in comedy" discourse
a couple of months ago, after more than a decade of people asking and me saying no, I finally gave in and learnt how to play magic: the gathering. ryan bought me a deck and a couple of boosters and I told him I would learn the basics but I wasn't going to learn commander or anything.
Look how pretty these hand drawn patterns are from! If you love coloring these could not be more perfect- and made just for you! Plus you also can help Jamal escape Gaza??
Oh we have more to add to this already super long list! From 5 of these absolutely gorgeous hand drawn patterns. I'm sure these would be great if you like to color- but also just put them on your wall- so pretty!
Help Jamal’s family leave the war zone in Gaza, organized by Robyn Hi, my name is Robyn, I am a British citizen living in the UK. I am fundr… Robyn Parsons needs your support for Help Jamal’s family leave the war zone in Gaza
idk who needs to hear this but a person's mental illness is not an excuse for them to be cruel to you. you are allowed at any time to decide you don't want to be yelled at, demeaned, belittled or otherwise mistreated EVEN IF the other person is doing those things partly because they're unwell!
on the anniversary of anthony bourdain's death, let's remember that he spoke truth to power about the palestinian occupation and genocide, and also celebrate the fact that henry kissinger is finally rotting in hell
I've been home sick this week and he's been keeping me company
If you guys don’t mind boosting that a little- it probably was a mistake but I’d like someone at Bluesky to get eyes on it ❤️
Hey I’m sure it’s because he is posting the same link a lot but is trying to raise money to get out of Gaza and I can vouch that he is actually there- can we get the spam label removed please?
my roman empire is wondering if we'll ever understand tom bombadil's true nature and identity
need to talk about one of the coolest things that happened to me this week, which is that after I gave a talk about supporting non-binary staff in the workplace, a person who did work experience with us last year came and told me I was the one who gave him the courage to start using she/he pronouns
"And eventually, under siege, you did what Ankh-Morpork had always done – unbar the gates, let the conquerors in, and make them your own."
never not thinking about sam vimes saying of sybil ramkin, "she had opened her heart, and if you let her she could engulf you; the woman was a city." which is the best and greatest line of poetry ever printed in a fantasy novel about silly little policemen trying to arrest a dragon
never not thinking about sam vimes saying of sybil ramkin, "she had opened her heart, and if you let her she could engulf you; the woman was a city." which is the best and greatest line of poetry ever printed in a fantasy novel about silly little policemen trying to arrest a dragon
Me and who
never not thinking about sam vimes saying of sybil ramkin, "she had opened her heart, and if you let her she could engulf you; the woman was a city." which is the best and greatest line of poetry ever printed in a fantasy novel about silly little policemen trying to arrest a dragon
never not thinking about sam vimes saying of sybil ramkin, "she had opened her heart, and if you let her she could engulf you; the woman was a city." which is the best and greatest line of poetry ever printed in a fantasy novel about silly little policemen trying to arrest a dragon
I'm at the airport and have discovered far too late that I did not save my seat selections when I booked this flight and am now stuck in a middle seat
I'm thirty-four by the way, and he is the same age as me
RYAN: jaythenerdkid? RYAN: RYAN: more like middle-jayged amirite RYAN: your jay has come and gone RYAN: RYAN: got a lot of jrays in your hair
RYAN: jaythenerdkid? RYAN: RYAN: more like middle-jayged amirite RYAN: your jay has come and gone RYAN: RYAN: got a lot of jrays in your hair
one of my friends made the mistake of encouraging me to pursue an idea I had for a possible masters thesis project. now he gets deranged multi-paragraph messages from me at all hours where I share my unproofread and nonsensical ideas about the readings he's been kind enough to suggest to me
hey how was everyone's weekend I'll go first
also I'm directing and starring in a play in a short play festival tomorrow and I officially got my adhd diagnosis and prescription yesterday, how are y'all doing
he's got gams. stems. legs that go all the way to the ground
I am speaking at two (2) professional things in the next three weeks and it turns out the only recent headshots I have are all black and white theatre ones taken for shows I've been in recently, so guess what's going in the conference programme
writing an angry email to the NYT because spelling bee wouldn't accept "unclouded" as a word
I live in the wrong part of the world for aaminah as a popular name, so I've met maybe two in my whole life and it was weird both times