
Notably high proportion of times I see a driver halfway in the lane next to them, or taking up three parking spots, or pulling an illegal U-turn across double yellow lines, or turning left into traffic without looking, and what do you know, they’re driving a Tesla.
Man, it must suck to have bought a Tesla 5 years ago thinking you were doing something good only to get lumped in with the current people who are purchasing them.
Then again, half those cars have probably lit themselves on fire at this point.
If anybody asks what sort of car it is (a question that occurs less frequently these days), I just say it's a Camry. After all, it was made in the NUMMI plant operated by that absurd GM/Toyota combo.
Huh, I witnessed an example of each of these in one commute today. Plus turning the wrong way into a one way street. Only one was a Tesla tho.
A lot of them are driven by amateur rideshare contractors.
Add in Sentras/Camrys with visible accident damage, and you catch 90% of reckless drivers
Altimas in this part of the world.
Oh, yes - forgot about those. I should've just said Japanese mid-size sedan. And GM sedans. But not Fords for some reason.