Jay Willis

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Jay Willis


I write about judges, laws, democracy, and the three raccoons who live in the tree behind my house. EIC at ballsandstrikes.org, occasional blogs elsewhere
man you have to provide “support” for stuff like this, you can’t just say that, what are we doing here www.nytimes.com/2024/07/05/o...
So is it happening or what
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i think we should see the Trump v. United States ruling as a group of Republican apparatchiks taking their opportunity to vindicate Nixon and write the unitary executive into the Constitution. www.nytimes.com/2024/07/02/o...
Opinion | Your Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Card Is Ready, Sirwww.nytimes.com The Nixonian theory of presidential power is now enshrined as constitutional law.
BIDEN: Today’s Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity imposes no meaningful limits on a president’s exercise of power….why is why [grinning widely, opening nuclear football]
Inviting you to ponder the craziest takeaway from Roberts’s opinion in the Trump immunity case, which is that if Trump had ordered the military, instead of the mob of his supporters, to march to the Capitol and murder Mike Pence, he’d be legally bulletproof ballsandstrikes.org/scotus/trump...
The MAGA Supreme Court Is All the Way Hereballsandstrikes.org John Roberts's opinion in the Trump immunity case should be the end of the fantasy of Roberts as the Court's committed institutionalist.
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Can we maybe get this bullshit updated?
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reflecting on the immunity decision a bit, what the Court seems to be saying is that every element of the executive branch is at the President’s disposal, no matter what he wants to use it for. his motives don’t matter. the office is a weapon to be wielded however he sees fit.
Roberts's opinion deals mostly in abstractions, since he really, really doesn't want to talk about January 6. But just based on this, it's hard for me to see how a president could be prosecuted for ordering SEAL Team 6 to assassinate a political rival www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23p...
I know Joe Biden has bigger fish to fry right now, but I am thinking once again about his choice to form a Supreme Court reform commission that included no proponents of Supreme Court expansion, which (surprise!) quickly concluded that Supreme Court expansion was off the table
sorry but “keep electing democrat presidents and senate majorities indefinitely until enough of scotus dies” never was and certainly is not now good enough. it’s just now. party leadership needs to wake the fuck up
Man this is so much worse than I expected. Obviously I am referring to the possibility of a Klay Thompson sign-and-trade to the Lakers.
One pretty clear dynamic on display this week is whose legal interests the Supreme Court cares about (corrupt politicians, hedge fund fraudsters, literal January 6 rioters) and whose it doesn’t (poor people) ballsandstrikes.org/scotus/grant...
Neil Gorsuch’s Judicial Humility Is Sanctimonious Horseshitballsandstrikes.org The Supreme Court's opinion in Grants Pass v Johnson reveals a lot about whose interests the conservatives care about—and whose they don't.
SOME NEWS: Neil Gorsuch is no longer allowed to write all the Supreme Court opinions about “the Western U.S.” or whatever. You’re not one of us, you’re not welcome here, go back to Georgetown Prep you fucking dork ballsandstrikes.org/scotus/grant...
Neil Gorsuch’s Judicial Humility Is Sanctimonious Horseshitballsandstrikes.org The Supreme Court's opinion in Grants Pass v Johnson reveals a lot about whose interests the conservatives care about—and whose they don't.
It finally happened: I cracked a beer instead of a La Croix. Fuck it, who cares
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the roberts two-step described in the pages of the supreme court reporter! incredible and an excellent use of a dissent
There is a *very* sharp paragraph in Justice Kagan's dissent in Loper Bright on the dance this conservative majority has performed repeatedly to weaken liberal precedents en route to overturning them altogether -- on worker's rights, on the Establishment Clause, and on voting rights.
I don’t have a single good thing to say about Joe Biden’s debate performance, I am just saying it sucks that the format of the presidential debate means that whichever candidate is willing to tell the most unhinged lies is probably going to look better www.fastcompany.com/91148742/eve...
Everyone lost in the first Biden-Trump presidential debate - Fast Companywww.fastcompany.com Drained of all substance, the debate was a disaster for Biden, an embarrassment for CNN, and par for the course for a truth-challenged Trump.
If Biden had pulled it together long enough to uncork just one "what the fuck is this stupid motherfucker talking about" he would have won the debate by 40 points
Here's the Jay Willis Promise, if you're a reporter and you ask me for a quote about the Supreme Court, I'm at least gonna give you something fun to work with www.salon.com/2024/06/26/t...
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relatedly, i am going to lose my mind at how 90 percent of trump coverage treats him as if he wasn't president for four years
nothing annoys me more than the notion of an "expectations game." there is no rule that says journalists must evaluate political events on the basis of expectations set by party apparatchiks. edition.cnn.com/2024/06/26/p...
Incredible to assert something like this for which there is no evidence, and for which in fact there is strong evidence that you’re wrong, and you include said evidence *in the same fucking sentence*
An associate editor at Wash Post wrote this today: "At the same time — and, yes, I know how cavalierly they tossed aside precedent in Dobbs — I doubt that even this court is about to upend the national legal landscape again and eliminate the right to marriage equality" Sotomayor knows better
Weird question but I promise I'm going somewhere with it: Does this image mean anything to you
🚨🚨 folks we’ve got a dog using pillows like a person cc @fleerultra.bsky.social
Notably high proportion of times I see a driver halfway in the lane next to them, or taking up three parking spots, or pulling an illegal U-turn across double yellow lines, or turning left into traffic without looking, and what do you know, they’re driving a Tesla.
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Hit brew on the coffee machine this morning and 3 minutes later the whole neighborhood lost power and it’s not supposed to come back until this afternoon, and I feel like I just won a million dollars
This is strictly a hypothetical: if I’m not a Comcast customer, and I cut a Comcast line off my house, do the Comcast cops come or do I just get to carry on living my life