
If the actual rules of the Senate or any other part of the government can't regulate the actions of the Supreme Court at all--a position that has an unlimited term--we're kind of screwed as a nation because they don't seem to be regulating themselves.
There is one way put of it, but it requires a spine and control of the House, Senate, and the White House. Then, nix the filibuster and expand the courts, starting with the SCOTUS. Then pack ‘em with liberal public defenders. Without that, abortion rights remain gone, e.g. There is no other way.
I think the dems have made it abundantly clear that even if they had all of that they wouldn’t use it or do what should be done
2009 and 2021, yes. Which should behoove their supporters to demand how they will regain abortion rights rapidly lost since Dobbs. There should be louder noises.
Yeah unfortunately I think a lot of people feel like no matter what we demand or how we demand it, they don’t care and won’t listen. I’m honestly at a loss, personally
Anytime they ask for a donation, ask them for specifics on how they regain abortion rights back. If enough do it, they will be forced to answer. If they brush you off, you can vote for then, but no donation. What I find is the lack of belief that packing the courts is the *only* way.
No kidding? Durbin means to tell us that he knew he was impotent but still rattled the drum? That’s next level shit!