
Kent State. 1970. “Four dead in Ohio”
The founder of the Proud Boys was seen at the Columbia protest. Students are being used.
Sorry, there may be an explanation for his presence. He was attending with Speaker Mike Johnson. Not that that is anybetter news.
My junior year in high school. I cannot hear “Kent State” without the shootings being the first things that leap to my mind.
If that happened today, I wonder if I would even notice. Would only four dead students even warrant a headline?
There is lots to find terrifying about the troopers in Austin. But for comparison, look the guardsmen at Kent. Fatigues and rifles. Not harmless any means. But compared to the militarized troopers in Austin. My word. Just a terrifying reminder of how much we have militarized the police.
Grew up like 20 min from that campus. It is so strange to walk past that hill and think that students were shot there.
exactly my thought. i was a junior in high school in NW Ohio
Bottom right picture. The sculpture in the picture is still there today and has a bullet hole through it from that day