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Cleveland, Ohio
Left and center split the vote, far right wins. Left, liberals, centrists, and moderate conservatives ease the path for whichever of them has a better chance against the far right, the far right loses. We've seen evidence of that for a century, from Weimar Germany through France today.
What could have happened today if more candidates who came in 3rd had refused to drop out? Hint of an answer in the city of Aix. Here, the Macronist candidate refused to drop out. As a result, no front vs the far-right. Result: RN wins with 37%. Left at 36%. Macronists 27%.
Any Biden replacement plan besides "the president chooses to drop out of the race and the party quickly transitions to Vice President Harris" is absurd, with many variables that all have to go right. Biden-to-Harris would have risks too, but it's plausible. Elaborate pundit fantasies aren't helping.
Hey you guys wanna see the dumbest plan to replace Biden possible?
Sulzberger and the New York Times political desk are engaged in an interesting experiment, to wit: whether it’s possible for a newspaper to direct the outcome of a campaign and election through sheer, relentless posting
Part of what’s happening with the Biden political media freakout is about power to act. Journalists have felt feeble and useless during the Trump era. They write their usual articles about Trump and it has little effect on his approval. Not so with Biden.
I think this is the first time Musk has suggested fellow Americans should be executed.
in summary:
They’re already setting up the next overblown freakout, this time to take down Harris. Nice work everyone
"For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government" cuts a little bit differently this year. Who's the neighbouring province now, eh?
They're counting on their untethered armed to the teeth psycho supporters to do the repression for them and to tamp down unrest as violently and as unaccountable as possible. Get ready for militias to further proliferate and become unofficial arms of the power structure in a 2nd Trump term
the other thing though is that the NYT would FOR SURE come up with some anti-Harris narrative and beat it to absolute death for the rest of the campaign
Sotomayor could give a great statement on the way out the door -- and remain a vital public voice after she's replaced. Or she could risk losing the seat to the people she has scorn for.
This seems like a good day for Sotomayor and/or Kagan to say "I can no longer work with colleagues who are using their positions of power to undermine the greatest constitutional republic the world has ever known. I am resigning now so that the President can find someone else who can stomach this."
reflecting on the immunity decision a bit, what the Court seems to be saying is that every element of the executive branch is at the President’s disposal, no matter what he wants to use it for. his motives don’t matter. the office is a weapon to be wielded however he sees fit.
it is because roberts thinks january 6 was good and normal
Beware the temptation to downplay the SCOTUS ruling and to deny its potential implications. We've been down this road before.
Amy Coney Barrett agrees with the majority on immunity for all official acts but says she considers trying to influence electors and organizing fake ones is not official and should not be protected from prosecution. Trump 2.0 will have her hung from a lamppost for that.
Americans have no idea how many Americans will be hanged or otherwise assassinated if the voting results are not hugely decisive. It’s f’g enraging the Dems have been useless they have left everything to the voters. Dictators move extremely fast once they have the upper hand.
Absolutely wild that the court accuses the dissent of "fearmongering" with "extreme hypotheticals" when the actual basis for the indictment is a coup attempt that led to an attack on the capitol
Shorter Supreme Court this term: criminal law is for little people.
Chief Justice Roberts decrees the end of DOJ independence in an offhanded sentence on page 20.
Putting the president above the law to any degree—and not just while in office, when there a practical argument, but out of office too—is so wrong, so undemocratic, so egregiously un-American. The Supreme Court declared a core American principle going back to George Washington no longer applies.
at this point the main reason i think there’s little upside in biden dropping out is that the only real option is Harris and the media hates her even more than it hates him
me on friday: “none of the strongest candidates are going to participate in a brokered convention” the pundit class: “of course they will” the candidates:
Whitmer Disavows ‘Draft Gretch’ Democrats’ 2028 bench is eager to avoid appearing eager to push Biden aside.
The fact that it’s elected officials who think panic texting reporters is their best way to influence other people in the party also points to some deeply problematic structural issues they also don’t seem interested in addressing.
Need proof that Trump's brilliant policies have reduced the federal deficit despite the fact that he lowered taxes, deported 3% of the workforce, and jacked up spending to pay for his deportation force? Just look at what the very fine people Trump appointed to staff the Treasury & CBO have said!
Remember how Trump floated the idea that Covid would go away if we just stopped testing for it? People treated that like it was Trump being dumb, but it was actually him articulating his quite savvy, authoritarian way of handling information. Want climate change to go away? Just stop measuring it!
Importing this thread from the bad place. It opens with a link to a piece that used official data to establish that yes, crime rates are indeed very much down recently. But here’s the thing, Project 2025’s Trump 2.0 promises to destroy that world in which we can “know” things like this.
The founding fathers: checks and balances The Supreme Court: checks
Again to point out the ways in which the NYT at an institutional level v clearly has a thumb on the scale in favor of Trump & against Biden: of the two candidates running, one of them lost the last election & one of them won it. The NYT thinks the one that won last time has an obligation to drop out
There’s a weird echo chamber at the center of the Biden campaign, explains NYT, where insiders do tell Biden important things he doesn’t want to hear, but none push him to drop out. Can you believe it? A presidential campaign where the top advisers support the candidate’s run for president? Unreal.