
At some point Democratic elected officials will notice that when Donald Trump has a personal setback the majority of the population literally celebrates in the street, I hope.
People like to see a bad man get his, and imo the fact that Trump has got another trial for a crime he’s essentially admitted being ground into dust by a corrupt judge whom he appointed affords Democrats great latitude to assertively and creatively fuck him up, if they have the sand to do it.
It feels like most of the establishment Dems are in it for the insider trading perks and won't stick their necks out any further than they have to. I really don't believe they look at Trump and see a legitimate threat, which is baffling but they act like they've got no skin in the game, forget sand.
Like! Some of them almost got killed by an angry mob a few years ago and they're just like "Welp, whatcanyado? Ain't he awful? Not worth even calling attention to I reckon. Anyway, back to tracking my perfectly legal stock portfolio."