
At some point Democratic elected officials will notice that when Donald Trump has a personal setback the majority of the population literally celebrates in the street, I hope.
People like to see a bad man get his, and imo the fact that Trump has got another trial for a crime he’s essentially admitted being ground into dust by a corrupt judge whom he appointed affords Democrats great latitude to assertively and creatively fuck him up, if they have the sand to do it.
I have to imagine Nikki Haley is screaming at herself for oh-so-recently ending her campaign and backing Trump.
Well, she is an idiot, so there's that.
No. . That was the smart play in order to get the nom at the convention which is her only route. With him likely getting time in custody on 7/11 and convention 7/15 and her delegate count... It's the hey I unequivocally supported him before his conviction but he can't win in custody
Also watch for an uptick of Haley as the nominee polling showing her crushing Biden with Trump losing/barely winning.
zero chance he spends one minute behind bars on this
Are you saying he won't be sentenced to custody time or that he won't serve any time he is given?
Possible, but I still see the base coming for her with knives out if she is the last-minute nom, calling her a "Deep State usurper."
I wonder if 51% of independents reliably vote Republican
We all literally watched him try to end democracy on live television, botch a pandemic response, outlaw abortion, and he’s still outperforming Biden in some polls.
That might tell you something about those polls.
🤷Most Republicans who want Trump to drop out will still vote for him.
Yep. Trump's big problem is that he's losing independents en masse. A lot of them would rather see him in prison than vote for him. And right now they're about 1/3 of the voting population. A "generic Republican" has a much better shot vs. Biden than Trump does. But they can't win the primaries!
Democracy or oligarchy privilege and tax cuts? Not a tough choice for these folks.
Their opponents are busy protecting the institutions that are already lost. Or owned by the Harlan Crows. We are in deeper shit than most realize. If we somehow survive November, I hope people don't get complacent as like after J6. Susan Collins is openly a MAGAt now, that's how bad things are.
How about the prosecution slow walking the appeals process
Ok, but there is always a 15% of Republicans who are disgusted by something he did, but vote for him anyway.
Nah. He should stay in. He has Rob Schneider on his side.
It would be if people kept these same sentiments to November.
the goal of all republicans (well, most) is to pretend the verdict is illegitimate in some way, and beat that drum until november. they know that 15% will steadily decrease.
That "if" joins the Great Wall of China as the only human-created objects visible from space.
The judges against me are corrupt and very unfair. The judges that support me are corrupt and also very tough and cool.
they appear to lack the sand, despite always playing nice in the sandbox
It feels like most of the establishment Dems are in it for the insider trading perks and won't stick their necks out any further than they have to. I really don't believe they look at Trump and see a legitimate threat, which is baffling but they act like they've got no skin in the game, forget sand.
Like! Some of them almost got killed by an angry mob a few years ago and they're just like "Welp, whatcanyado? Ain't he awful? Not worth even calling attention to I reckon. Anyway, back to tracking my perfectly legal stock portfolio."
Those last 8 words are the head of the nail. Will the Democrats capitalize on this or will they be hyper "dignified" and focus only on the solemnity of the moment?
Unfortunately they're too feckless.
Headline is amazing. News media can’t bear to put out news that doesn’t push the horserace/panic scenario, so they temper it by telling us water is still wet
Also … 15% of Republicans wanting to drop out seems like a big number to me! I definitely would have guessed closer to 5%
This sort of suggests that Republicans in deep red gerrymandered districts benefit by torching the rule of law over the verdict while those in more contested districts like Stefanik are politically better off remaining silent but ofc she is not silent. Wonder if some of these folk start to clam up.