
After the Court’s decision yesterday, I think there’s an argument from necessity for Biden seizing Trump and trying him by military tribunal, given the sudden unavailability of Article III courts. Plus, itʼs just the sort of thing they’ve authorized an active and energetic chief executive to do.
There's an argument for anything now, but he won't do it. I wish I found that admirable but I'm scared of what's going to happen in November with the way some people who should know better have been talking. It's like everyone is sleepwalking towards a cliff.
This. How many thought Roe was the worst from Trump packing SCOTUS? Biden refused to pack it to restore balance; what do you think of that inaction now? What in a few years' time? Trump wants to be a dictator. People also didn't believe what Hitler said in Mein Kampf until it was too late.
It's not really fair to say Biden "refused" to do something he didn't have the votes to do. So much criticism of Democratic presidents seems to be "he's a wizard who can snap his fingers and solve every problem, but chose not to out of sheer malice or incompetence. Why would he do that?"
Yes but they did nothing. No coordinated plan. No response. For decades. And now they're going to do nothing and play by rules that no longer exist right up until Trump executes or imprisons them, which he will do on day one...right before he turns the dogs on us.
Technically, we could say “we the people” did nothing, no response, for decades. Big change requires big majorities. Did we let the opposition have a SCOTUS supermajority because we keep letting them win elections?
I don't know. Republicans manager to have a long-term plan to overthrow the US whether they had majorities or not, despite running the dumbest mfers alive every year. We couldn't even get someone who took the rights of half the population seriously.
Yeah we seem to be in a cycle of letting the terrible party make a mess, so we get motivated to vote them out, but then repair or progress doesn’t happen fast enough, so we get discouraged and let the terrible party have another win. Repeat.
Whatever the merits of that argument were, after Monday Biden really does have basically unlimited power and he has already pledged not to use it.
You’re literally doing the thing I just described. Biden doesn’t have “unlimited power,” he just can’t be criminally prosecuted. So realistically, what criminal act can be perform that won’t turn off his base of voters more than it helps?
Disappear the six justices to Gitmo? He doesn’t even have to claim credit for it.
Well now the "rules" have changed, perhaps Biden should take one for the country, use the presidency's new immunity to remove the corrupt SCOTUS members to restore logic & integrity there, even if the resultant SCOTUS would overturn that overly-broad immunity & result in him being convicted?
This situation is scary. I worry that there's no way now to avoid democracy dying in the USA. If Biden uses his new immunity that wouldn't necessarily stop it. This is an awful situation SCOTUS have created.
I keep saying Democrats need to out proposing a Constitutional amendment to limit the scope of Presidential power, and the usual suspects are rushing to say 'but how would that even pass, such a waste of time blah blah.' idk maybe give people another reason to get out and vote?