john d. unstable 🫨

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john d. unstable 🫨

musician - composer - mountain lover - liberal democracy enthusiast - feminist - word nerd - wonderer about things - he/him
I would pay good money for a filter that would remove that orange POS from my news and social media feeds
crippling spiral of shame and self-hatred, brb 😞
I wish that, whenever I did something someone else was supposed to do (or redid something they did poorly), I received a small portion of their pay. If my life to date had been like that, I would now be able to retire and live my life in comfort. 😑
one would be hard pressed to find a corporate #logo more arresting than Sherwin-Williams’ overt depiction of utter environmental devastation 🌎
my tendency to go berserk when #mosquitos get into my house is a good reason why I should not own #firearms 🦟🔫
if we call the white parts of #eggs “egg whites” why don’t we call the yellow parts “egg yellows”? 🥚🤔 #wondering
all of you who are like “omg they’re both old” need to fucking wake up and pay attention. which one is saying (even remotely) fact-based things? which one has actually done a decent job as President? which one actually put together a competent cabinet, and used them effectively?
Maybe the reason I’m so fascinated with #Voyager1 and the amazing work its support team does to keep it functioning (as well as a piece of 46yo tech can) is that I secretly hope that I have a team that will go to such lengths to keep me functioning as my systems succumb to the ravages of time. 🛰️⏳🤔
My public library only sends TWO overdue reminders (1 week apart) before assuming items are lost (2 more notifications of that), and then they give up. 🤷‍♂️ Maybe this system works for most folks? But, newsflash: It is unlikely to provide satisfactory results with #ADHD people. 🙋‍♂️
While I was doing yard work for a few hours, the canine took inventory of his collection. I have no idea where he had hidden these 15 balls, but apparently he keeps track… 🤷‍♂️ #dogs
I have yet to see a sincere, persuasive defense of Citizen's United. Has anybody encountered one? Maybe the blatantly cynical anti-democratic part is blinding me to some subtle virtue that justifies it?
Avatar I saw this on ABC news this morning while waiting for my car at the shop, and thought of you
what kind of monster puts coffee mugs on the shelf upside-down??? (I can tell you, they don’t hold anywhere NEAR as much coffee that way…) 😞
maybe the reason dogs are into scratches isn't for the love & attention, but rather because they're just super itchy all the time? 🤔 #wondering #dogs
hmm, what shall I scream into the void today? 🤔
stairway was much shorter than I was expecting 😬
was grating carrots for my salad and accidentally grated my knuckle. I guess veganism will have to wait another day… 😢
Yesterday I asked my friend how many radians of cake he wanted, and he said “2π” 😂🎂 #mathliteracy #gluttony
me: *stretches* my body: oh hey, let me help you with that— *painfully contracts muscles almost to the point of tearing*
the collective term for a group of gazelles really ought to be a gazelleschaft. sign my petition! 😃
A horrifying must-read story thst finally makes public the story of a rape within the New York Philharmonic. The victim left the orchestra; the perpetrators are still there.
A Hidden Sexual Assault Scandal at the New York Two musicians were fired for sexual misconduct. Why are they back with the orchestra?
Please shout this to the rooftops. It is a farce of white supremacy's hold on America that Trump continues to be an eligible candidate for president.
On Confederate Surrender Day it’s important to reiterate that Donald Trump is an insurrectionist and disqualified from holding office! So is Senator Ron Johnson, and a bunch of House Republicans. Remember forever!
This is what I really believe about intelligence. If you're not constantly aware that you could be wrong and that there's important stuff that you don't know — that there are ways of knowing things that come from outside your limited experience — then you're not very intelligent, by definition.
Lately I keep thinking our biggest problem is that we confuse intelligence with loudness and arrogance, when really it's the opposite. Intelligence is humility. It's listening and paying attention. It's understanding there's stuff you don't know or understand. Fuck the Smartest Man in the Room.
I have a dream that someday #corporations will ask governments for #regulation requiring them to adhere to policies that are good for society & the planet bc it'll also be better for them & shareholders longterm. They'll be able to just do their thing instead of trying to out-evil their competitors.
the order of operations has gone woke due to CRT and DEI
⦁ shrinkflation: pay same amount for smaller quantity of product ⦁ stinkflation: pay same amount for same quantity, but product now smells bad ⦁ winkflation: pay more for same product, but salesperson knowingly winks at you 1/
ah, April 1st— when people lie to you and you’re supposed to find it super funny. I don’t know whether to believe any of the news stories I’m seeing. I think I’ll go back to bed… #aprilfools #notfunny
my good deed for the day was scaring the crap out of some poor stranger who was about to drive off with her $5+ iced coffee drink still on the roof of her car. 😱 I'm sure she was grateful once she recovered from the heart attack. 😬 #gooddeeds #coffee
my spouse keeps accidentally referring to the former chair of the Republican National Committee as "Ronna McDonald" 😂