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Don't let your loyalty become slavery. If they don't appreciate what you bring to the table, let them eat alone.
Anytime someone talks about a business closing locations these days I just google the name and “private equity” and you’re not gonna believe it but…
I put tennis balls out on the patio to see if the baby raccoons would play with them and...
My wife: please don’t talk about mushroom stuff at dinner Me: okay *one ice water later* Me: did you know oyster mushrooms are partly carnivorous
Whatever is worrying you right now, forget about it. Take a deep breath, stay positive and know that things will get better.
One day, you will tell your story of how you overcame what you went through and it will be someone else's survival guide.
Staying positive doesn't mean you have to be happy all the time. It means that even on hard days you know that there are better ones coming.
End of feed.